thirty-five | aftermath

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The two of them would talk for a few more minutes before ultimately departing for the night. They exchanged a hug, and as she said she would, Maki ended up leaving the party early despite Kaito's protests to get her to stay. Shuichi turned out to be spending the rest of the night with Kokichi, getting flustered too many times to count. He was curious as to what he was going to say earlier before Kaito interrupted, but for some reason, he was too nervous to ask. He'd have to gather the courage first.

The party prolonged for a while, coming to an end at around ten o'clock at night. To say the least, that probably had to have been the craziest night that Shuichi had in a while.

Crazy, yes, but not to be confused with bad. He actually had a lot of fun, even more so with Kokichi by his side. He was also pretty overjoyed that he finally got to rectify things with Maki and get a teeny bit closer with his classmates in the process.

Unfortunately though, Kaede, Shuichi, and... no, just Kaede and Shuichi ended up cleaning up the house afterwards. Kokichi was cheerfully prancing around to stupid music in his pajamas as he watched them.

"You know what? I'm surprised nobody ended up hurt by the end of this! I'm proud of everyone." Kaede beamed, as lively as ever despite scrubbing a floor right now.

Shuichi couldn't help but laugh. "The fact you're surprised nobody is hurt kinda says a lot about our class, don't you think?"

"Yeah, it does, huh?" Kaede snickered. "Although, even though they didn't fight, they do know how to make a mess. Geez."

"Yuuup! That's why I'm so lucky I have my little cleaners for me!" Kokichi chimed in. "My mom would be livid if she came home to that mess, y'know?"

"I don't want to hear a word from you. You're such a lazy bum, you know that?" Kaede huffed, grabbing a plastic cup and chucking it at Kokichi's head.

"Ouch!" Kokichi gasped, catching the cup and throwing it back at Kaede. It then became a back-and-forth game of just tossing random items at each other.

Shuichi sighed, feeling like a disappointed dad. "Hey, you two probably shouldn't make a bigger mess, okay? It's already late."

"But c'monnnnn! Can't we just clean it tomorrow? We have plenty of time!" Kokichi pouted.

Shuichi shook his head. "I'd rather you be in a clean place right now, Kokichi."

Kaede nodded in agreement. "Yeah! Knowing you, you're probably going to procrastinate doing it anyways. You're not even helping us right now."

"Incorrect. I'm actually super punctual, y'know?" Kokichi defended himself, practically lying through his teeth. "I'm only not helping right now 'cause I'm sleepy."

"I don't think sleepy people energetically dance around to music, but hey, you do you!" Kaede shrugged, chucking the last few pieces of garbage into the trashcan. "I've gotta go soon, though. I have to practice all day tomorrow, and I can only do it with a good nights rest! I'm honestly tired from Kaito and Miu talking my ear off the whole time."

Shuichi took the last couple of decorations down, nodding. "Ah, yeah, now that you mention it, I should probably be heading home soon too..."

Kokichi frowned. "But it's sooooo boring being alone, y'know? Can I sleep over at your house, Shuichi?"

"Huh? Of course, I don't mind. I'd just have to let my parents know first."


Shuichi let out a lovestruck sigh in response to that. He's too cute.

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