fifteen | hidden

122 8 1

"Um... so..." Shuichi muttered, at a total loss for words, trying to think of something to say as he walked behind Kokichi. "Why are we in the woods? I'd appreciate if you could at least explain that to me."

They'd just left the house together a few moments prior. Kokichi insisted that they were just going to go to the park and get icecream or something, at least that what he told their parents, but that was clearly a lie. Kokichi ended up leading Shuichi towards an entirely different direction, because apparently, there was a cool place that he wanted to show him.

Not to make any crazy assumptions, but as a detective who's seen numerous monstrosities take place in this very woods, Shuichi couldn't help but be skeptical. He was somewhat considering just turning around and leaving...

But of course, he didn't. It'd be kind of crazy if you just accused your friend of being a weirdo out of the blue with no way to back it up, so he decided to hear Kokichi out for now.

"Don't worry! I'm not going to murder you or anything if that's what you're thinking, I just had to lie about where we were going because my mom hates it when I come to this spot." He reassured Shuichi, as if he'd just read his mind.

"Ah, okay... but why does she hate it?"

"During the summer, right after we moved here, I snuck out a lot without telling her. When I was sneaking out, I was usually coming out here, and I wouldn't come back until midnight. Of course, that made her preeeeetty pissed," Kokichi explained.

Now, even more perplexed, Shuichi raised an eyebrow. "...So, what business did you have in the woods then? I don't think there's any reason to stay until midnight, is there?"

Kokichi began to point out into the distance, where there seemed to be some sort of old structure. "Do you see over there? Those run down cabins? I decided to clean one out and make it mine so I could use it for a couple of different purposes, whether it be something important or if I just need to get away from people for a sec."

"Oh, yeah, I see. Am I the only one you've shown this to?"

"Yup! I was planning to keep it to myself at first, but I guess you don't seem like the snitching type... you're not, are you?" Kokichi asked, glancing back at Shuichi.

To that, he quickly shook his head. "Of course not. If you don't want me to tell someone something, then I'm not going to."

Kokichi smiled. "Great! In that case, you can consider it our spot, okay?"

"Oh, really? Alright then, if you're okay with that..." Shuichi muttered.

He was honestly quite taken aback by what Kokichi just said. For him to share what sounded like his own personal spot so easily, it seemed like a really kindhearted gesture. At least in Shuichi's eyes, it did. He'd make sure to treat this spot with care if that was the case.

Shortly after that exchange, the two made it to the cabin. 

Kokichi walked in first, Shuichi followed in behind him, and needless to say... he was shocked.

Despite it appearing abandoned and run down on the outside, under Kokichi's care, it looked almost brand new on the inside. It wasn't that far off from a normal bedroom, and it appeared pretty cozy. It was starting to make sense why Kokichi spent so much time in here... 

There was no way someone could just acquire all of this overnight.

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