forty-four | matchmaker

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Celeste ended up driving the two boys to the concert in her very fancy schmancy vehicle, because of course, that woman had to do absolutely everything in style. Shuichi and Kokichi sat together in the backseat—or rather, Kokichi laid down in the backseat with his head on Shuichi's lap—because he ended up taking a small nap on the journey there. Regardless, they made it to the venue and easily found their seats. They had a little chitchat before the event started.

"Do you feel more energized now that you've slept?" Shuichi asked.

"Yuppers! Problem is, I can't even stay still now, so maybe a little too energized?" Kokichi shifted in his seat multiple times, eventually reaching for Shuichi's hand and holding it.

"Well, that's nothing unusual. You're always hyper." Shuichi chuckled, glancing down at their hands. He noticed that Kokichi's nails were painted black. "Did your mom do that too?"

"Mhm!" Kokichi nodded. "She always wanted a girl so she could dress her up, but she didn't really mind when she got a boy. She just decided she'd doll me up either way using masculine clothes instead."

"Oh, really? Well, I think the nails suit you. They're pretty. You look great no matter what style you're wearing, though."

"Awh, thank youuuuu! You're so—"

Kokichi was then interrupted by a bunch of sudden cheers and chatter coming from everyone else in the audience. Vibrant multicolor lights began overtaking the formerly dim room, and entering the stage, there was the previous Ultimate Pop Sensation, Sayaka Maizono. She was obviously quite the familiar face for Shuichi and Kokichi, but the last time Shuichi had ever saw her in person was when he was younger and she was still with her idol group. Now, she was working towards her solo career.

She took center stage, standing in front of her bedazzled microphone. She flashed a serene smile to the crowd, leaving them mesmerized. To her left, there was a piano. After engaging in some interactive conversation with her fans, it was time to introduce a special someone.

"Now, now!" Sayaka began, "I'd like to introduce you all to a young lady that happens to possess a lot of musical talent. She'll be playing the piano alongside me tonight, please show some love to Kaede Akamatsu!"

The crowd cheered loudly as Kaede came out. That girl looked absolutely stunning. She wore an elegant pink dress with heels to match, and subtle makeup that complimented her features just right. She was glowing from head to toe, however, it was as clear as day that she was a little anxious. Trying her best to push those feelings aside, she excitedly waved to everyone and had a seat at the piano right next to Sayaka. Her eyes began to roam, her whole entire body visibly relaxing when she spotted Kokichi and Shuichi.

Kokichi used his left hand to make half of a heart. Shuichi quickly got the memo and used his right hand to complete the hand-heart, then they both held it up for Kaede. It was a subtle-yet-cute way of telling her that she could do this.

Kaede smiled at them, blowing a tiny kiss before quickly going back to paying attention to Sayaka. She was more than relieved to have those boys by her side, they made her feel like she could do anything.

From that point on, everything went smoothly. They played through multiple familiar songs, the vibes in the area being nothing but upbeat and happy. Kaede's nervousness slowly faded away as she began to ease into the moment and feel the music. Her beautiful piano skills combined with Sayaka's melodic voice was a force to be reckoned with, so it was safe to say that this performance would most likely open her window for more big opportunities. Kokichi and Shuichi were pretty immersed themselves, so they didn't really exchange too many words, they just continued to hold hands and cheer for Kaede in-between songs.

The concert went on for a while, and as it was nearing it's end, Kaede's demeanor had switched.

She wasn't nervous anymore, nor did she seem to be mad or upset... she just looked extremely excited for this last song. Like, barely able to stay in her seat excited. Was this possibly the song she mentioned earlier? The one she said she'd convinced Sayaka to switch? Shuichi was confused, but he supposed he'd just have to find out.

Sayaka took center stage again, grabbing her microphone. She seemed to be pretty giddy as well.

"Okay!" Sayaka said, slightly hopping up and down, "So, before this last song starts, I have to let you all know that it's not the one you're expecting. My lovely pianist asked me to switch it last minute for two special friends of hers, and of course, I had to. Either way, I'm sure you'll love it! Please grab your lovers, or your crushes, and hold them tight. Thanks!"

Shuichi and Kokichi exchanged a look after hearing that, knowing exactly who this song was dedicated to. Shuichi appeared confused, but Kokichi was rather entertained and intrigued.

"It's totally for us, right? What do you think she has planned?" Kokichi tilted his head.

"I... have no idea." Shuichi mumbled, nervously squeezing Kokichi's hand.

"Guess we'll have to see!" Kokichi said excitedly, glancing back at the stage.

As Kaede began playing the first few notes, and when Sayaka's voice joined in, Shuichi immediately recognized that song. It was the song that he danced to Kokichi with at the party. Hearing that beautiful song being played live made him recall all of it, right from the moment Kokichi asked him to dance to the second that Kaito had interrupted them. Shuichi's face went red, unable to utter a word out. He wanted to relive that dance and hold Kokichi all over again.

"Awh! Our dancing song!" Kokichi snickered, glancing over at Shuichi. "Hey, Shuichi?"

"Yeah, Kokichi?"

"This reminds me! You know how I got cut off at the party and I never finished what I said? I feel like this'd be the perfect time to let you know. Y'know, since our song is on?"

"Ah, that's right, you never did get to finish what you were gonna say... What was it?"

Kokichi hesitated for a moment, taking a small breath before grabbing Shuichi's face. Leaning over his seat, he planted a gentle kiss onto his lips.

"I'm in love with you, that's what."

Shuichi gasped, in a state of shock. "Ah, huh? You- you, me? What?"

Kokichi laughed, blushing a little. "Hurry up, do you like me back or not?"

"Yes, yes! Of course I do,"

"Good! Then come here!"

They went in for another kiss.

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