fifty | you're my desire | final chapter

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Shuichi complied with a small nod, making his way over towards Kyoko to see what she needed.

"Yeah, mom?" He asked softly.

Kyoko didn't look too relaxed, though, which immediately made him start to worry about if he did something wrong. Surely not, right? He couldn't recall doing anything wrong, at least. Maybe he did, and it just slipped his mind? He hadn't ever seen his mother with such an awkward expression on her face before, leaving him feeling a bit oblivious.

She hesitantly shifted in her seat and cleared her throat, before curtly stating, "Your neck."

Shuichi blinked, clearly confused. "My neck?"

He glanced around, quickly taking notice of the off-put look that both Makoto and Kokichi had on their faces. The memories from last night began rushing back, and only then did it dawn on him what she was referring to.


The makeup must've rubbed off at some point while he was getting ready, but how did he not realize? More importantly, how was he supposed to explain things now? He hadn't even told his parents that he and Kokichi were dating yet, let alone the fact that they were kissing on each other in the bedroom behind closed doors.

There was a brief silence that filled the room before Kyoko had broken it and continued to speak.

"I'll get straight to the point. I don't mind if you two date, it was honestly already quite obvious, least keep things innocent in our house," she murmured.

Kokichi tilted his head. "Wait. You don't think we were doing that, do you?"

"Well, were you?" Kyoko quipped, raising an eyebrow.

"Huh? No, not at all!" Shuichi quickly interjected, shaking his head.

Makoto awkwardly bit his lip before blurting out, "Ah, you know what? Who wants to see my new Pokémon cards?"

The stubborn tension lingering in the air came to a halt, and was instead replaced with confusion. It seemed as if he was trying to change the topic and lighten the mood, and somehow, it worked? What an interesting way of creating a diversion.

Kokichi curiously hummed, scampering over to Makoto's side. "That depends. Do you have anything valuable?"

Makoto hesitated, not expecting anyone to actually care about his cards. "Err... On second thought, I'll let you see them after you come back from school. Deal?"

Kokichi pouted. "Fine, deal! Let's go then, Shuichi!"

He turned his head towards Shuichi, who's face had been completely washed over with light shades of pink. Embarrassment had swallowed him whole and completely diminished any sense of pride he might've had remaining in the process.

"Okay..." A sigh of defeat shamefully emitted from his lips.

After Kyoko assisted him with concealing the hickeys once again, Shuichi headed to school with the culprit who'd given him the said hickeys. They found Kaede and went about their day as usual... up until the last class of the day had arrived.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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