sixteen | ringtone

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Having a look around, Shuichi's gaze quickly fixed on a pile of books stacked neatly on the table. One of them especially caught his attention, and it was a mystery book that he happened to read a few months back.

"Is this yours, Kokichi? I didn't know you liked reading," He said, picking up the book and skimming back through the pages to refresh his memory.

"Yeah! What, have you read this one before?" Kokichi asked, walking up behind Shuichi and peeking over his shoulder.

"Mhm," Shuichi hummed, nodding. "I did a while back. It's pretty well written, right? I liked that one part in the ending where she-"

As if he'd just witnessed a car crash, Kokichi let out a gasp and quickly pressed his index finger up against Shuichi's lips to shush him.

"Shhhh! Shut up! No! No spoilers!" Huffing, he snatched the book from Shuichi's grasp.

Shuichi stood idly for a moment, surprised. He didn't take Kokichi as the type to be defensive over book spoilers of all things, and truthfully he found it kind of funny, but he wasn't going to say that out loud.

"I'm sorry, that was careless of me, wasn't it? I should've asked if you were finished first..."

Now, coddling the book as if it were a baby, Kokichi glared at Shuichi. "Yes, very careless! I'm on the brink of finishing it, it'd be a shame to get it ruined for me now, y'know?"

"...Hm. If that's the case, then would you like to finish it together?" Shuichi suggested.

"Wouldn't that be kinda pointless if you've already read it, though?"

"It's not pointless if we're spending time together, is it?"

Kokichi paused. For a moment, he gripped the book a bit tighter as if he were thinking about something. But of course, as quickly as he faltered, he recovered and came up with yet another smartass remark.

"This is, like, the second time you've low-key flirted with me, isn't it? At least take me out to dinner first..." He snickered, grabbing Shuichi's hand and dragging him to the bed. "Fine, then let's finish it. Have a seat!"

"I- sure, okay then..." Trying his absolute best to ignore that first remark, Shuichi complied and sat next to Kokichi on the bed. He noticed that pause, but he decided to leave it alone for now, and instead made a mental note about it.

They got comfortable and pulled a blanket over themselves, and once Kokichi flipped to the page he was last on, they began to read together.

Actually, it turned out to be more peaceful than Shuichi had initially thought it'd be. They kind of just soaked in each others silence, occasionally making a comment here and there or letting one another know when it was okay to flip the page.

It was comfortable.

Something about this place and Kokichi's company felt homely to Shuichi, but he couldn't put his finger on why that was... he decided it'd be best not to overthink it for now.

A few minutes passed, those minutes turned into hours, and before he knew it...

They'd fallen asleep together. Y'know, typical friend activities.

As Shuichi faded back into consciousness yet again, he looked down. Kokichi was right next to him, still fast asleep, not budging whatsoever. He appeared to be in a pretty comfortable position and a deep sleep, he was drooling a tad bit, his arms were wrapped around Shuichi...

Honestly, it was a little bit embarrassing to think they'd been cuddling like this for God knows how long, but Shuichi would bear it for now. He'd feel bad if he disturbed Kokichi and woke him up for no reason.

Yawning, he gently rubbed his eyes. He began to feel around for his phone to check the time. When he retrieved it, he powered it on. It was four in the afternoon... were they seriously out for that long?

"We're definitely going to have to head home as soon as possible..." Shuichi grumbled to himself. The next thing that he noticed was that he received two texts, which wasn't all that surprising, considering how his friends enjoyed blowing up the group chat.

Naturally he figured the messages were just from them, but...

"...Tenko? What does she need?"

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