twenty-four | lovebirds

155 7 5

"What the hell is this problem supposed to be? I don't understand it at all!" Kokichi whined, dramatically tapping Shuichi on the shoulder.

"I... honestly don't know either," Shuichi replied, stuck on the same problem. "Just skip it for now, okay?"

"Whaa? Aren't you supposed to be the smart one? Don't tell me you're going all dumb on me now..." Kokichi pouted.

"Unfortunately, I'm not a genius or anything. I can only know so much."

"That sucks... whatever, I'm tired! It's not like I planned on finishing the assignment anyways." Kokichi shrugged, putting his pencil down and yawning dramatically.

"Huh? You're giving up already?"

"Yup." Kokichi laid his head on Shuichi's shoulder.

"That was fast..." Shuichi muttered.

He flinched a slight bit feeling Kokichi's head resting on his shoulder. Kokichi was generally very touchy, so he should've been used to this by now, but for some reason... he was very hyperaware of it. It was flustering him. He kinda began to tense up.

Whatever. He just needed to block this out for now, right?


With that thought in mind, they stayed in that position for a couple of minutes more. It was honestly comfortable, so Shuichi wasn't looking forward to class ending. He wanted this feeling to last. Soaking in eachother's silence, but not an awkward silence, rather a very warm and calming one.

Once the two of them were starting to drift off on eachother, sudden footsteps could be heard approaching their desks.

"Hey! Is this a bad time for you guys? I wanna talk," Kaede's soft voice spoke, causing the snoring Kokichi to jolt his head up.

"What?! Yes, blondie, go ahead..." Kokichi mumbled, rubbing his eyes and glancing up at Kaede.

"My bad..." She awkwardly chuckled, pulling up a chair and sitting down in front of the two. "So, I was just curious, would you like to help Shuichi and I plan a party? We've kinda been talking about it."

Kokichi raised an eyebrow. "Huh? A party? What for?"

"Just because! I think It'd be good for everyone to grow a little closer, y'know?"

He began to think the offer over for a moment before eventually nodding. "Sounds like fun. As long as Shuichi's helping, I'll do it, why not?"

Shuichi got red at that. "Are you sure? You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable..."

"Huh? Are you worried about me? That's cute... you're always cute." Kokichi said, as a blatant attempt to make Shuichi redder. Of course, it worked.

"Okay, now you're just doing this on purpose." Shuichi muttered, covering his face up with his sleeve.

"Am I?"


Kaede, awkwardly watching this banter as if she were a third wheel, eventually interjected. "So... how would you guys feel about planning things in the library later during lunchtime? It's quiet, and there shouldn't be anyone there."

"Sounds good to me!" Kokichi shrugged.

"I agree." Shuichi added.

Hiiii, it's me again :)

Unfortunately, since may started, I've been undergoing a lot of mental & physical stress that's been a bit traumatic for me. I've never had to deal with illness to this extent ever and I've been getting spikes of anxiety out of literally nowhere

That being said, I'm going to have to take a break aaaaagain, & I'm not sure for how long. I've had some upcoming parts planned that are really fluffy and entertaining, I've been wanting to write them for the longest, but I'll have to put them on hold until I can see what's wrong with me and hopefully get better soon :(

When I come back, this story will be wrapped up and I can hopefully get started on my new one that I've had planned for a while!!

Take this image in the meantime, I feel like it explains things perfectly rn lmao :) Again, sorry for the inconvenience, ily all and your comments!!

Take this image in the meantime, I feel like it explains things perfectly rn lmao :) Again, sorry for the inconvenience, ily all and your comments!!

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