thirty-seven | morning

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Kokichi eventually fell asleep with Shuichi somewhere along the line. Being truthful, it might've been the most comfortable sleep that the both of them have gotten in a long time. Things always feel a little more warm and cozy whenever you're around the person that you love though, don't they?

Waking up the next morning, Shuichi was greeted by the entire body weight of Kokichi just laying on top of him. His personal space was pretty much nonexistent right now, which he didn't mind. It actually felt pretty comfortable, like a blanket of sorts. There was one minor downside, though...

Kokichi obnoxiously snored right by Shuichi's ear, causing him to have to hold in a laugh so he didn't wake him up.

"How can someone still look so cute while snoring so loudly?" Shuichi whispered to himself, admiring Kokichi's adorable face.

He bit his lip to try to suppress the laugh, but it didn't help in the slightest. Especially because Kokichi was just getting noisier and noisier with time. Unfortunately, Shuichi couldn't hold it in for much longer. Because of this, Kokichi slowly started stirring awake as well.

His eyes fluttered open. He looked very disgruntled. "Hey. What's so funny?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Nothing, nothing... I'm sorry... didn't mean to wake you up." Shuichi replied, still kind of giggling.

Kokichi's expression changed from annoyed to lovestruck very quickly. "I've never heard you laugh full out before... you sound so angelic, you know that? You should do it more."

Kokichi literally just woke up, yet here he was, right back to flattering Shuichi and making him embarrassed. This has to be some sort of special ability at this point.

"Huh? Um..." Shuichi hesitated, blushing. "Thank you, Kokichi. That's really sweet."

"No problem... I'm happy your voice is the first thing I got to hear today." Kokichi muttered, still slightly sleepy. He then burrowed his face into the crook of Shuichi's neck, trying to avoid catching view of the bright sunlight casting from the window.

"You mean that? Really?"

"Hm? Of course I do, why?"

"I mean, I've never had anyone say such sweet stuff like this to me before... I'm not used to it."

"Good. I wanna be the only one saying stuff like that to you anyways."

"Wait, what?"

"Huh? Did I say something just now?" Kokichi glanced up at Shuichi with puppy eyes, playing dumb. Of course, he knew what he said, and he meant every single word of it.

"No, never mind... I won't read into it too much." Shuichi said, feeling embarrassed for almost having his hopes up.

"Good! That'd be bad for your pretty little brain." Kokichi smiled, to which Shuichi let out a tiny sigh.

Trying to switch the topic, Shuichi spoke. "Do you want to get up? Or would you like to sleep in a little more?"

"Definitely sleep in." Kokichi confirmed. "By the way, now I gotta know or it'll bother me, what were you laughing at?"

"Ah, that? Not much, you were just snoring in my ear, that's all."

Kokichi frowned. "Seriously? That's embarrassing."

"No, no! Don't worry, It was cu..."

Realizing what he was about to say, Shuichi trailed off.

"It was what?"


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