forty-six | your embrace

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The three of them proceeded to hang out for the rest of the night to celebrate everything good that had happened. They went out and got dinner together, which entailed Kaede and Kokichi having a mini food fight. Unfortunately, though... Shuichi got caught in the crossfire as well. He'd definitely have to clean his clothes thoroughly when he got home.

Of course, they lost track of time, and didn't return until it was very late. Was this a wise decision to make on a school night? Probably not, but it was refreshing to let fun take priority just this once.

Kokichi decided to stay over at Shuichi's house again, because now that they were finally dating, he didn't want to separate. Even if it was only for the night. Being too sleepy to function, their first priority was getting to that bed. Carrying a half-asleep Kokichi in his arms, Shuichi carefully entered the bedroom and laid him down gently.

"Would you like to change into something more comfortable before we go to bed?" Shuichi questioned in a soft whisper.

"No, too much effort... just cuddle me. Now." Kokichi lazily whined, closing his eyes.

Shuichi nodded, pressing a gentle kiss against Kokichi's cheek. "Okay. Wait one second, alright?"

Kokichi responded with a half-assed grunt, causing Shuichi to laugh a little bit as he walked off to go change. He thought it was pretty cute how he would get so grumpy whenever he was sleepy. After switching into some more breathable clothes, he joined Kokichi in bed and wrapped his arms around him. Kokichi snuggled into Shuichi's touch, letting out a small noise of satisfaction.

"Hey, sweetcheeks..." He mumbled into Shuichi's shoulder.

Shuichi raised an eyebrow at this. First it was babygirl, now it's sweetcheeks? Where'd he get these absurd nicknames from? Not that he minded or anything, it was a little bit entertaining.

"Hi, love." He replied, starting to play around with Kokichi's hair a little bit.

"Love? You love me?"

"Of course I love you, I love you so much."

"Yaaaaay... that's, like, so awesome." Kokichi began nuzzling Shuichi's neck instead, clearly fighting to stay up. "Well, for your information, I love you too. You wanna know why?"

"Yeah. Tell me, what is it?" Shuichi tilted his head, unable to hold back a smile as he played along. He thought it was way too adorable how Kokichi was staying up to speak to him.

"Right when I was starting to think that nobody cared about me at all, you came into my life... like it was some sort of divine intervention or something. You didn't give up on me, like a stubborn little bug. My stubborn little bug, though. You're super pretty, and cute, and hot, and nice, and polite, and uh... your hugs are super good too, really warm, I love those about you, um... you smell pretty great..."

Kokichi rambled and rambled until he eventually made no sense anymore. Then, he finally fell asleep and went right back to snoring in Shuichi's ear. Shuichi held him tightly throughout the night until he fell asleep too.

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