twenty | advice

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After getting the information that he needed, Shuichi retreated to his room and haphazardly flopped down onto his bed.

He was just tired. Mentally and physically.

As much as he wanted to just sleep for the rest of the afternoon, tomorrow was a school day, and he didn't want all of this free time to go to waste. He knew he'd probably regret it if he just slept it all off like that.

So, with that thought in mind, he began to think about stuff he could do.

Of course, he did want to start to clear Kokichi's reputation up now that he knew everything was false, but he was afraid that acting on something like that without his permission would be a little invasive- even if the intentions behind it were nothing but positive.

...He needed advice.

Kaede was always his go-to person for this sort of thing, so immediately, he sat up and grabbed his phone to send her a text.

And then he waited.

A few seconds passed, a few seconds turned into a minute, that minute turned into five minutes...

and after what seemed like an excruciatingly long ten minutes, he heard a notification from her.

Hastily, he sent a reply.

Kaede💗: Hi, Shuichi! :) What's up?

Kaede, can I get your opinion on something?

Kaede💗: Ofc! I'm all ears <3

Thank you.
So, hypothetically, if I had a way to clear Kokichi's name...
How would I go about doing that?

Kaede💗: 🤨
Kaede💗: This doesn't sound hypothetical.
Kaede💗: Did you find something out?

But just hear me out, okay?

Kaede💗: Hm...
Kaede💗: Okay, go on!

This morning, Tenko called Kokichi bad news.
I guess that struck me, so I went to my mom, right?
I asked her about Kokichi's expulsion, and... yeah.
The rumors aren't true.

Kaede💗: Oh. My. God.
Kaede💗: So you found out why?

Vaguely, yeah.

Kaede💗: No way.
Kaede💗: Does Kokichi know that you know?
Kaede💗: If not, do you think he'd get mad if you told him?

I don't think so, but still...
The reason is pretty bad.
He might not want people to know about it, even if it's me.

Kaede💗: I see, I understand... yikes.
Kaede💗: I might have a solution, but you gotta trust me.
Kaede💗: Can I come over?

Of course. I'll trust you, Kaede.

Kaede💗: Great! I'll be there in a few!

With that, Shuichi turned his phone off and began to bury his face into a pillow. He was extremely nervous. Naturally, he'd trust Kaede's judgment, but he had a feeling this whole thing was going to blow out of proportion. He was mentally begging that it wouldn't.

One of his biggest fears was angering his friends, and, well... he was already pretty much on thin ice with Maki.

That fight with Maki played a big part in ruining Kokichi's reputation even more, so how the hell would he do this without getting her involved?

He had no idea.

(I'm officially twenty chapters into writing this story, yay!!)

(I might take a break for a few days so I can lock in and focus on my school work, but chaos will start to happen during the next chapters, so be prepared when I come back. that is all I have to say!! <3)

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