twenty-eight | choice

109 5 4

Yet again, Shuichi found himself tiredly trudging to his bedroom. He'd finally acknowledged his feelings for Kokichi, which, honestly... it was quite the hard pill to swallow. What was he even supposed to do with this information? Confess to him?

"Yeah, right..." He mumbled, flopping down onto the bed. His hand lazily trailed it's way down to the pocket of his pants, rummaging around inside there for a pen.

Once he found one, he slowly sat up and glanced at his calendar. He marked down two important dates: The day of Kaede's piano performance, and the day of the party. He doubted he'd forget about either of them, but it was good to have a reminder nonetheless.

Speaking of the party... he should probably do what Kaede said and start inviting everyone. He already had all of their numbers in case they ever needed help finding something, so it shouldn't be too much of a challenge.

He pulled his phone out. To make matters easier, he decided to create a group chat with everyone in it so he could ask them collectively instead of being tedious and going person by person.

He sent the first text.

Hey! Kaede, Kokichi, and I are throwing a party.
Would you all be willing to come? It's this Saturday.

Ryoma: That depends. Why?

We just thought everyone could use some fun without thinking of work.
Of course, you can refuse if you don't feel up to it. No pressure.

Ryoma: Sure.

Kaito: Anything 4 u, bro!! 😋👍

Tenko: If Himiko's going, I will!!

Himiko: what a pain
Himiko: ill go... i guess

Rantaro: Ofc, I'll go. Kiyo says yes too.

Miu: Why are you two together rn?? Are you 👉👌??

Rantaro: 😟
Rantaro: Don't do that.

Miu: Sorry 😞
Miu: I'm coming too ;) Pun intended lmao

Kiibo: You're too vulgar.
Kiibo: I'll attend too. As long as there's no pool, that is...

Gonta: Gonta would love to go! :-)

Angie: Count me in! ^w^

Tsumugi: Same!

Kirumi: As do I. If you need assistance preparing anything, do not hesitate to let me know.

Maki: No.

Miu: LMAO, it's cuz you have beef with Kokichi, isn't it?

Maki: Sorry, is it any of your damn business?
Maki: I don't want to go, so I won't. Problem?

Miu: 😔
Miu: u bitch

Tsumugi: #justiceformiu

Kaito: don't be like that maki roll
Kaito: text me

Maki: Fine.

Miu: Tf is up her ass today?
Miu: Not that I'm complaining, I love drama 😛😛

Ryoma: Don't know. She's probably still reeling from that fight last week, give her a break.

Tsumugi: Do you know anything about it, Shuichi? You're pretty close to Kokichi and Maki after all... it probably sucks seeing your two friends hate each other.

It's complicated.
I'd rather not talk about it right now. Sorry.

Gonta: Are you okay? You can always come to Gonta ☹️

Rantaro: Hey. Ik this is probably difficult.
Rantaro: You've got nothing to apologize for, understand?

Himiko: yea!! im sure i can find a magic spell that boosts ur mood... or something

Kirumi: I'm sure she's just in a bad mood. Give her time.

Thank you guys :) I'm ok, I promise.
I'll give you all further details about the party soon.
That's all I needed to know from you all, see you later.

After pressing the send button, Shuichi put his phone down. He shut it off and kind of just... stared at the wall. He said that he was okay, but he wasn't. His heart felt like it was crumbling.

Why would Maki say something like that?

Yeah, he didn't really expect her to want to go in the first place, but it was the way that she declined that felt so abysmal. She was always usually calm and ready to talk things out, but she just seemed so angry right now. It was out of character.

Shuichi sighed, his breath rigid. Maki meant so much to him, but so did Kokichi. That's the issue. How is he supposed to prioritize and accommodate one over the other in a situation like this? What could he even do to make it better? He could try texting Maki about it, but he doubted she'd answer right now.

He didn't know. This is too much.

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