six | split decision

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The whole class was gathered in a circle, and in the middle of it, there was Maki and Kokichi. Kokichi had his hand cupped over his nose that was gushing blood, and Maki's knuckles were drenched in crimson. It wasn't all that hard to put two and two together. Maki, for whatever reason, had punched Kokichi straight in the nose.

"Tell me why you did that to him. Now." Maki threatened, gripping Kokichi by the collar of his shirt.

"You must be fucking deaf. I already.. I already told you, it was an accident!" Kokichi stammered, completely breathless, but clearly not backing down.

While all of this was happening, the teacher was nowhere to be seen. Everybody surrounding them was either laughing and recording, or far too scared to try to intervene and separate the two. Shuichi's heart sank as he watched this all go down. Two of his friends were fighting, and he had no idea why.

Without thinking, he pushed past the crowd, and Kaede followed behind him.

"Guys! Stop it, right now!" Kaede shouted, gripping Maki by the wrist and pulling her away.

Shuichi did the same and gently took Kokichi's hand, dragging him away from all of the commotion. Without a word, he just walked out of the gym with him, heading straight for the boys bathroom.

As they got there, he let go of Kokichi's hand and grabbed some paper towels to clean his nose up with. "Don't move, please." He muttered, obviously in a panic, wiping up all the blood on his face for him.

Kokichi, concerned by Shuichi's behavior, simply just stayed still and did as told. "..Why are you shaking more than me? You're not the one who got punched."

"..I didn't expect to see my friends fighting and bloody, okay? I'm worried." Shuichi said bluntly, holding the paper towels up to Kokichi's nose, trying to wait until the blood stopped gushing.

"Huh? Don't be worried. I'm okay, this is the usual for me."

"It shouldn't be the usual. This is only your first day here, Kokichi."

"..Fine. But why are you helping me? How do you know I didn't deserve being punched? You weren't there to watch everything."

Shuichi let out a large sigh, not even dignifying that with a response. It was true, he didn't know what happened, but even so, that doesn't mean that Kokichi deserves to be standing here bleeding like this. Nobody does.

Suddenly, after a few moments of silence, the door swung open.

"Shuichi! Kokichi! Are you in here?" Kaede called out as she walked inside. She was well aware that she was breaking a rule just waltzing into the boys bathroom like this, but frankly, given the situation, she didn't exactly give a damn about rules right now.

Caught off guard, Shuichi quickly glanced back at the entrance where she was standing. "Kaede? Yeah, we're here.." 

Kokichi waved, somehow still having enough gall to smile despite getting his face rocked earlier. "Hey, Blondie! You're the one who got Maki off of me, right?"

"Yeah, that's me! I tried to have a conversation with her, but she's so heated, she wouldn't say a word.." Sighing, Kaede walked up next to the two boys and leaned against the wall. "So I was wondering, Kokichi, could I hear your side of things real quick?"

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