seventeen | plotting

124 7 3

Tenko: Shuichi!! 😼
Tenko: I have a question.

Hey, Tenko :)
What is it?

Tenko: Are you free tomorrow?

Most likely, yeah.
Why? Is everything okay?
We usually don't hang out outside of school.

Tenko: Don't get presumptuous, I'm not here for a one on one with you!
Tenko: Kirumi will be coming along too!
Tenko: Unfortunately, my Himiko didn't feel like it, so she's out :'(

Right. So what's the occasion, then?
This seems super sudden.

Tenko: We wanted to discuss something with you, if that's okay!!

What did you want to discuss that we can't talk about over text?
I'm assuming Kirumi and Himiko have something to do with it?

Tenko: Yup, kinda sorta!!
Tenko: We're not mad or anything if that's what you're concerned about.
Tenko: We just wanted to make sure you're aware of something regarding a certain classmate. 🫡

You're being strangely vague, Tenko.
Are you sure everything's alright?

Tenko: I'm sure. 😾
Tenko: Can you meet us at the café tomorrow at ten?

Yeah, I can make it.

Tenko: Perfect!! Tysm 😋👍

You're welcome.

After Shuichi pressed send, he took a deep breath and shut his phone off, sinking his head back into the pillow.

His mind was now roaming.

Something regarding a certain classmate?

What could possibly be the matter?

Well, she said everything was alright... and even though he wasn't exactly close friends with Tenko, all things considered, she is incredibly trustworthy as a classmate. So he didn't exactly doubt her word, he just wished she'd have been more specific.

He didn't want to work himself up thinking about it, though. It was most likely just something trivial that'd blow over soon. Right.

Repeating those affirmations in his head, he slowly sat up and glanced back down at Kokichi. As much as he wanted to let him get his rest, he couldn't. He began to gently nudge his shoulder.

"Wake up, please," Shuichi whispered, trying not to scare him.

"...No. Shuddup." Kokichi grumbled, scrunching his nose a bit, clearly half asleep.

Sighing, Shuichi began to stand up. "Come on, get up. It's time to go home, our parents might start worrying soon, you know?"


Kokichi remained silent for a few moments more before finally sitting up. Letting out a groan of annoyance, he began to rub his eyes. "Fine... party pooper."

"I know you're sleepy, I'm sorry. But we have to go, okay?" Shuichi said softly, extending his hand out to Kokichi.

"Yeah, yeah..." He grumbled, taking Shuichi's hand and slowly standing up.

With that, they left and began to walk home together.

Surprisingly, due to being a little too sleepy and irritable, Kokichi didn't make a peep. No smartass comments whatsoever. He'd only really yawn as he trudged behind Shuichi.

For some reason... he couldn't help but find this other side of him to be cute.

He shouldn't think about a friend like that though, should he?

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