thirty-one | party

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The rest of the week was... chaotic, to say the least.

It was safe to say that the friend group Shuichi started the school year off with had completely fallen apart. It was hanging on by a thread, all because of the vendetta Maki had against Kokichi.

You see, this is the thing—Shuichi, Kaede, and Kokichi were now a group. Rantaro and Korekiyo would pretty much only hang out with each other, and Kaito would only be around Maki. Maki seemed to distance herself off from everyone else except for Kaito, so nobody could hang out with Kaito unless they wanted to be around Maki—which they didn't. They were either too scared to be around her, or they didn't want to deal with her attitude.

Shuichi, Kaito, Rantaro, Korekiyo, and Kaede had no problems with each other whatsoever. It was Maki getting in the way. Just her. It was to a point where it was getting ridiculous.

Shuichi would be lying if he said he didn't miss the group. He missed them. A lot. He didn't know how—or if—he could even resolve things, though.

Especially because his feelings for Kokichi were intensifying. They were somehow just getting stronger and stronger by the passing day.

Shuichi didn't seem to dislike a single thing about that boy—he loved the way he didn't take a lot of stuff seriously, he loved how he laughed at the unfunniest things, he loved the way he could never sit still, he loved the way he'd act like an idiot with Kaede, he loved how he'd wear mismatched socks on purpose without a care in the world, he loved his big purple eyes, he loved how messy he got during art class, he loved reading books with him, he loved his constant teasing, he loved how he was really more soft and thoughtful than he let on—he loved him.

But he didn't have the guts to tell him all of that. He didn't think he ever would, which was why he always tried to pretend he just thought of Kokichi as a best friend.

He hoped he could keep up that act today, too.

It was now Saturday, the very day of the party. The sun was coming down and the moon was going up. Shuichi, Kokichi, and Kaede were now waiting for everyone to arrive at Kokichi's place.

"Soooo... you're sure this won't go to complete shit, right?" Kokichi asked, sipping yet another soda can as he sat on the couch in between Shuichi and Kaede.

"Yeah, of course!" Kaede gave a certain nod. "Maki's not coming, so I think we're in the clear... as much as I hate to say that sentence."

"Yeah, I think we'll be okay. We spent all this time preparing and decorating, it'd be a shame if it went to waste." Shuichi said, petting Kokichi's cat, which was sitting on his lap.

"Oh, yeah! Thank you for doing all the labor on those decorations when I didn't feel like it, Kiri. I know this house is huge and all." Kokichi said, leaning his head on Shuichi's shoulder and helping him pet the cat. Their hands touched a few times while doing so, which was a bit embarrassing.

"It's okay." Shuichi smiled. "I don't mind doing it if it's for you."

They chatted with each other for a few more minutes, Kokichi and Kaede being dumbasses while Shuichi simply admired them, as usual—up until a knock was heard at the door.

"Ooh, I'll get it!" Kaede quickly hopped up from her seat, scampering over to the door and excitedly opening it up.

"Hi, whores! Sorry to keep you waiting, you must've been miserable without me, huh?" Miu smirked, wasting no time waltzing into the place as if she owned it.

"Hello Shuichi, Kaede, and..." Kiibo sighed, somewhat hiding behind Miu. "...Kokichi."

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