five | teamwork

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"..Hey, are you okay?" Shuichi asked, taking a sip from his water bottle.

"Yeah, why?" Kokichi replied, tying his hair back into a ponytail.

"Well, you know.." Shuichi muttered, gesturing towards Kokichi's legs. They were just about as bruised up as his face.

Usually, Shuichi wouldn't ask such a question as it seemed a bit personal, but the teacher had just arrived and made the class run a couple of laps around the gym a few moments ago. Since everybody changed into their gym clothes, all of the marks on Kokichi were a lot more visible, and he knew that running might've hurt a little bit more for him because of them. Right now, they were just sitting on the bleachers together and trying to catch a bit of a break before the coach reigned more hell on the class.

"Oh, my legs? It's fine, I can handle it." He shrugged. "..You're literally the only one who's expressed genuine concern for my bruises. That's weird. You're weird."

Shuichi made an extremely confused face. "Huh? Is it weird that I care?"

"Kinda, yeah. I only met you a few hours ago, and you seem to be a lot nicer than everybody else I know." He said, snatching the water bottle from Shuichi's hands and taking a waterfall drink from it.

Flinching a little bit, Shuichi let out a sigh. "You could've at least asked.."

Completely ignoring that, Kokichi continued his monologue. "I guess that just means I made the right choice when I came up to you, though! Speaking of that, you never did tell me what was so cute on your phone. What was it?"

"Oh, it was just pictures I took of the birds in the garden, that's all.. I like looking at them when I can."

"For real? Birds always seemed boring to me.. why do you like them?"

"They're just good luck to me, that's all. I hope to own one someday." Shuichi replied, smiling at the thought of having his own bird. "Anyways, what's your favorite animal, Kokichi?"

"Hmmmm.. probably cats! I'd own some big tiger if it was legal, but for now, I've just got my moms cat."

"Really? What's it's name?"

"Grand Bois Chéri Ludenberg. He's very fat and grey."

"Pfft, seriously? I kinda wanna see him now.."

"You could totally come over and see him one day! But just as a warning, he's extremely sassy. You might have to bribe him with food."

Shuichi chuckled, nodding his head. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind."

Finally, interrupting their conversation, there was the sound of a loud whistle. It belonged to the teacher, and it basically signified that their time for a break was over.

Kokichi rolled his eyes. "Damn it. Hag." He grumbled, beginning to stand up and stretch as he glanced at Shuichi. "We're supposed to play dodge ball now, right? Wanna be on my team?"

"..Yeah, sure." Shuichi agreed, feeling a sudden sense of impending doom. He wasn't exactly nonathletic, but he sure as hell wasn't a sports expert, so this wasn't something that he was looking forward to. For the sake of good grades though, he forced himself to get up.

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