fourteen | loopy

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Fighting the urge to go find the nearest cliff and do a back flip off of it, Shuichi buried his face into his hands. He woke up and realized what he did a few moments ago, and as the minutes were passing, he still hadn't found a way to mentally recover.

"I'm so sorry...!" He apologized profusely, getting redder by the second.

"I said it was okay already! You're like a broken record, geez," Kokichi said, gently fixing Shuichi's bedhead for him. "Either way, it was funny. I didn't take you for the affectionate type... maybe I've been mistaken this whole time? I wonder..."

It was as clear as day that Kokichi was just trying to embarrass Shuichi even more and add salt to the wound. He hated it.

Because of that, Shuichi remained silent.

All the while, Kokichi was becoming more and more entertained. He raised an eyebrow. "You're pleading the fifth now? But I thought you missed me? Shouldn't you be happier that I'm gracing you with my presence?"

Shuichi let out a soft, exhausted sigh. He finally took his hands off of his face and admitted defeat. "Don't take what I said at face value, okay...? I was just waking up..." 

"So when you're just waking up, your first thought is about how much you miss me? I'm flattered."

"Please, stop."


"Thank you." Shuichi sighed, slowly but steadily standing up. "I'll be right back, okay?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

With that, he left to go to the bathroom. Partly because he needed to freshen up, and partly because he felt the overwhelming need to say a few curses to himself in the mirror. He didn't think this was a type of embarrassment that he could ever recover from...

Naturally, being left alone in somebody else's room gave Kokichi the overwhelming urge to start snooping around.

 He tried his best to stay put for as long as he could, but eventually, he succumbed to the nosy voices in his head.

The first thing he noticed were all of the photos on Shuichi's wall. There were a bunch with a lot of different people.

"Jesus, he has a shit ton of friends..." Kokichi whispered to himself, stepping closer towards the wall to try and get a better look. There were photos of Shuichi with his usual group, some with his parents, and some with other classmates. He seemed to have the most photos with Kaede, which was expected, given that she was his first friend. Some of them dated way back to elementary school.

The next thing Kokichi noticed was Shuichi's desk.

There were a lot of papers and writing utensils scattered on it, which was also expected, since Shuichi seemed to be a pretty smart guy. Combining school work with detective work, there's no way he wasn't constantly working hard. 

In a way, Kokichi kind of admired him for that... just a little bit.

But putting that aside, other than work, Shuichi's phone was also on the desk.

Squinting, Kokichi began to stare at it for a second.

 Of course, he wasn't going to go through it or anything, that was borderline stalker behavior, but what he did want to do was—

"I'm coming in, Kokichi," Shuichi's voice could be heard in the distance, his footsteps approaching the bedroom door.

Immediately, Kokichi sat back down on the bed and acted like he'd been there the entire time. Fortunately, Shuichi didn't catch on as he opened the door and walked inside.

"Welcome back! You look a lot better... your hair gets shockingly messy when you wake up." Kokichi snickered, waving at the other.

"I know, I know... I'm not really sure why." Shuichi sighed, sitting down next to him on the bed. "I wish my parents would at least have woken me up first, though... it's kind of embarrassing when you see me like that, you know?"

"Eh, it doesn't matter to me what you look like," Kokichi shrugged, beginning to swing his legs back and forth. "Since our parents are busy being buddy-buddy right now, why don't we have some fun?"

"Oh, sure... what do you have in mind?"

"You'll see."

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