eight | coincidences

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Extremely confused, Shuichi turned around and looked towards the spot his father seemed to be staring at. At first glance, the first thing he noticed was Kokichi. Standing next to him, there was a woman who seemed as if she was really about to chew him out for getting in trouble. That must be the woman his dad just mentioned.. if Shuichi was being honest, he found her quite intimidating, but she does look very pretty. Her skin is incredibly pale, her eyes are a bright red, and her sense of style seems to be very unique. It wasn't anything he'd ever seen before.

"Shuichi, that's my classmate. Y'know, from Hopes Peak? I haven't seen her in years.." Makoto muttered, still in disbelief. "C'mon, I want you to meet her! It won't take long." He said, grabbing Shuichi's hand as he lead him towards Kokichi and Celeste.

"Oh- okay!" Shuichi, not really having much of a choice, followed behind his dad. Not that he particularly minded or anything, he did kind of want to know who raised Kokichi to be so bold and troublesome.

"Celeste! What are you doing here?" Makoto called out, waving at the woman.

Celeste, who seemed as if she'd just finished lecturing Kokichi, suddenly glanced up. Her facial expression went from irritated to just plain surprised. "I- Makoto? You live here? What a surprise, I wasn't expecting that at all.. how are you?"

"I'm good! It sucks a little bit that we had to meet under these circumstances, but, you know.." Makoto shrugged. "What about you?"

"Ah, well, my bastard son keeps getting in trouble, so I thought that it'd be better if we moved to a better area. Naturally, it seems as if that didn't work at all." Celeste sighed, giving Kokichi a quick glare. Then, she looked over at Shuichi. "You're Shuichi, correct? You look just like Kyoko in the face.. I met you when you were a baby, but I'm assuming you don't remember that. I'm Celeste." She spoke, extending her hand out to him for a handshake.

Shuichi nodded and gently shook her hand. "Oh, then it's nice to meet you again, Celeste."

Kokichi was silent. He looked at Celeste, and then at Shuichi, and then at Celeste again. "Okay, mom, I'm gonna say it, this is the weirdest fucking coincidence ever. How do you know Shuichi?"

Unbothered, Celeste looked down at her son. "Oh, I didn't tell you? Then listen up. His parents and I went to school together. His mother and I had you and Shuichi at around the same time, which is why you happen to be in the same grade. Actually, you both met when you were babies, but you were too young to remember. After that, we moved away, so you never saw each other again.. of course, up until now. Oh, and watch your mouth." She added, flicking Kokichi on the side of his head.

"Geez, seriously? The plot thickens.." Kokichi mumbled, rubbing his head. "Then I guess that means Shuichi and I are totally meant to be friends, right? I mean, he was super helpful to me today and everything.. which is why he's being sent home too. Sorry about that, by the way!"

In response to that, Shuichi quickly shook his head. "You have no reason to apologize, Kokichi. It's not your fault."

Celeste laughed. "He definitely gets that selflessness from you, Makoto.. but because I have a little shit to deal with, I have to go now. Would you like to catch up with each other this weekend? Let's exchange numbers."

"Oh, of course!" Makoto nodded.

After they got each other's information, they said their goodbyes to one another and went home for the day.

Almost immediately, once he got home, Shuichi went into his bedroom. He gently put all of his belongings down on the floor, careful not to knock anything over since his room was still a mess from the detective work he was doing the night prior. "I should really clean this all up.. I'll do it tonight." He sighed to himself, sitting down on his bed.

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