thirteen | poor imagination

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Fortunately, Shuichi ended up not giving in to Kokichi's requests.

He knew how enraged Maki would've been if he actually ended up giving Kokichi her number, and he couldn't do that to her. Even if Kokichi did promise not to spark any conflict, he couldn't trust that. Not right now.

It'd be better to keep the two as far away from each other as possible.

Sighing, he stared up at the ceiling and pulled the blankets over himself a little more.

It'd been a couple of hours since he'd visited Kokichi's house, and he was now finally back at his own home trying to get some sleep. It wasn't exactly working though, as he'd had been tossing and turning for about thirty minutes now.

It was probably due to the fact that he was just paranoid, plain and simple.

He didn't know why, but even though he refused Kokichi, he had a feeling that wasn't going to be the end of it. Kokichi seemed a little too calm when Shuichi said no, and that rubbed him the wrong way.

They were friends for about a week at this point, but even so, he'd be lying if he said a part of him didn't believe all those rumors still.

Kokichi seemed like the type of boy that you could just underestimate solely due to his looks. Then, whenever he got your guard down, he would strike.

For a lack of better words, he seemed explosive. Like some sort of dynamite. People kind of just had to walk on eggshells around him because they had no idea what could trigger him to get into trouble. The fight with Maki earlier this week was proof of that.

Shuichi wondered if Kokichi would finally open up one day and tell him what caused him to get expelled from his old school. Since their parents were close, maybe one of them happened to know?

Yeah, he could probably ask them about it tomorrow morning...

Getting tangled in his web of thoughts once more, Shuichi finally began to doze off after what seemed like an eternity. Sinking into his pillow a bit more, his eyes shut. From there, everything he saw was just a dreamland that consisted of blobs of colors mixing and melting together. Naturally, it didn't make any sense, but that was the beauty of sleep.

As his eyes squinted open again, he was met with brightness seeping in from his window. That must mean it's morning, and after the draining week, the weekend is finally here...

 It took a while for his vision to finally settle and unblur, but when it did, there was a rather weird sight awaiting him.

A pair of eyes. A very absurd thing to wake up to.

He recognized the eyes, though. They were huge and purple, meaning they had to have belonged to Kokichi. 

That made no sense though. Why would he be in his bedroom right now?

Attempting to put two and two together, the half-asleep Shuichi came to a not-so-logical conclusion.

"Oh... you're in my dreams now, too? Hi, I missed you..." He mumbled absentmindedly, wrapping his arms around Kokichi's waist and pulling him into a hug.

Immediately, Kokichi flinched. He was attempting to scare Shuichi, but he got the complete opposite result as opposed to the one that he initially wanted.

"Did you forget my mom and I were coming over today? God, you're stupid for a detective..." He sneered, not exactly objecting to the hug. He just laid there in Shuichi's arms, waiting for him to realize that this was, in fact, not a dream.

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