nine | class seventy-eight

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"Okay. So you know that my parents went to Hopes Peak Academy, right? Apparently, Kokichi's mom went there with them, and that's how they know each other.. so actually, Kokichi and I met one time before all of this. Like, when we were babies." Shuichi explained.

Finally, except for Kaito and Maki who weren't coming, everyone had arrived to Shuichi's house. They were all in their pajamas and lounging around on his bed, a random horror movie playing in the background as Shuichi told them about the revelation he discovered today.

Kaede gasped. "Dude! That is such a weird coincidence, you really didn't know this before?"

Shuichi shook his head. "Not at all, that's kind of what's so odd about all of this."

"Do you know what her ultimate was?" Rantaro asked, staring down at Korekiyo's head as he braided his hair up for him.

"I think she might've been the ultimate gambler? Hold on, I'm pretty sure I still have their class pictures.." Shuichi paused, getting off of the bed and making his way over to his closet.

Inside of the closet, there was a box full of his parents' old photos from their time at the academy. Shuichi rummaged through the box, finding an image where every student was included. Once he grabbed it, he sat back down on the bed and held it so everybody could see.

"See the woman with the drills? That's Kokichi's mom." Shuichi said, pointing Celeste out on the picture.

"She's rather gorgeous.. do your parents still keep in contact with any of these people?" Korekiyo asked, leaning back on Rantaro.

Nodding, Shuichi placed the photo down on his lap. "Yeah, if i'm not mistaken, i'm pretty sure they all still talk to each other? I've only actually met a few of them, though."

Kaede quickly perked up, starting to shake Shuichi on the shoulder. "Seriously? Who did you meet? These are literally all such well known people!"

"Other than Celeste.. I've met Toko Fukawa, Aoi Asahina, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sayaka Maizono, and Byakuya Togami." Shuichi recalled, gently grabbing Kaede's hand to try to get her to tone it down on all of the shaking. "Actually, they're all really kind people! They try to visit every few months."

Rantaro blinked a few times, clearly struggling to process everything. "..Shuichi, it baffles me how casually you just said all that. You met an award winning writer, an Olympic swimmer, a famous politician, a globally known pop star, and the owner of the Togami conglomerate? You're just chill with it?"

Getting slightly embarrassed, Shuichi nodded. "Yes. I mean, I kinda grew up with them around, so I'm used to it.. especially Toko, she's best friends with my aunt."

"Geez, Shuichi! You're too cool for us, aren't you?" Kaede teased, gently nudging him on the shoulder.

In response, Shuichi quickly shook his head. "No way! That's not true, I love you guys."

"We love you too. But getting back on topic, if your parents are connected to Kokichi's mother, he'll be a lot harder to avoid now, yes?" Korekiyo asked.

"Pretty much.. I don't mind Kokichi himself, I just really don't want him to get into another altercation with Maki. She'll probably kill him, won't she?" Shuichi asked, blatant concern on his face. He was by no means exaggerating with that question. Although it's highly unlikely, the chances of getting killed by Maki are never zero.

"That's a bit much, she'll probably just maim him or something." Korekiyo shrugged, stating it as if it was no big deal.

Shuichi gasped. "That's not any better! I'm being serious here.."

"Okay Shuichi, don't worry so much! All you have to do is talk it out with Maki, that's what Kaito said, right?" Kaede suggested, gently patting him on the back as an attempt to reassure him.

"Yeah, but.." Shuichi muttered, putting his hands over his face and sighing into them. "I don't know. I'll try it, but it's still so nerve wracking."

"Question. Putting aside the fact that you technically already knew each other long before this, you only got to know Kokichi today, correct? Why do you care about him so much?" Korekiyo tilted his head.

Removing his hands from his face, Shuichi began to ramble. "Like I said, I want to be his friend, and I feel like we've already sort of established some sort of trust between each other. I don't want to break that. He mentioned something about people mistreating him and switching up on him, and I don't want to contribute to that, I guess? He looks so beat up as well, nobody else except Kaede and I seem to care about him.. they were literally recording him getting hurt earlier. I feel horrible, even though I don't know if he did something to provoke those people that hurt him. I want to get to know him and find out."

Slowly, Rantaro nodded his head. "Okay, the overthinker in you is seriously showing right now, but I understand what you're saying completely. If that's the case, if I were you, I'd continue trying to be his friend. Try to get a better understanding of his story, and then talk things out with Maki when her suspension's over, alright?"

"Yeah, I'll do that." Shuichi sighed. He then glanced over at the TV, realizing the movie was nearing it's end. "Wait, we weren't paying any attention.. who just died?"

"Oh shit- I think it was the dude with the brown hair?" Rantaro shrugged. "Oh well, he was annoying anyways.."

"Truly a waste of a character." Korekiyo agreed.

After that, all of the drama talk just gradually fizzled out, and they began to get immersed in the movie again. Shuichi didn't mind, in fact, he'd much rather stop talking about all of todays events for right now. It was seriously weighing on him.

Letting around twenty more minutes pass, Shuichi heard a buzz from his phone. He slowly got it out to check it, and speak of the devil, it was none other than Kokichi. Without alerting his friends, he tried his best to briefly have a conversation with him.

Kokichi: hihihihihellohihi

Kokichi: r u here kiri??

Yeah, I'm here.

Are you okay? Do you need something?

Kokichi: nope! but my mom just finished laying into me about getting in trouble, so now i'm super bored. plus my ears hurt. she's gonna snatch my phone in like two seconds, so i'm gonna hurry and say everything i wanna say!!

Kokichi: also, I don't think I ever said thank you for today, so i'm doing that now. thank you for helping me around and all that jazz. it was sweet.

Kokichi: btw!! I heard through the grapevine that my mom is gonna come over ur house this weekend to hang with ur parents, and she's bringing me bc she knows we're friends. she thinks you'll be a good influence cuz like, your parents are awesome or something. i don't know. i wasn't listening that much to her rant.

Kokichi: what i'm getting at is that i'm probably going to invade your privacy and snoop in your room or something while we're hanging out. she told me that ur some rlly good detective in training or something, so i wanna know all the deets.

Kokichi: I hear her ugly heels coming towards my door now. I gotta go. bye cutiegiri!!!!!!

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