forty-nine | secretive

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After switching to some more lighthearted topics of conversation, they all eventually made their way home. Surprise surprise, Kokichi decided to stay over at Shuichi's again. Who could blame him, though? He finally got the boy of his dreams, he was undoubtedly gonna make the most of it and be clingy.

Kokichi dashed straight through Shuichi's bedroom door yet again, flopping right down onto the bed as an exhausted huff escaped from his lips. He expectantly stared at Shuichi, opening his arms for a hug.

"Come on, chop chop! You seem so lost in thought, what's wrong?"

"Ah, nothing much..." Shuichi smiled softly as he joined Kokichi in bed, although it was blatantly feigned. He melted as his boyfriend's arms wrapped around him, feeling a lot more secure in his embrace.

"Be honest with me. A liar can spot a liar," Kokichi coaxed, threading his fingers through Shuichi's hair and gently ruffling it.

The words seemed to linger on Shuichi's lips a little bit, his hesitation quite obvious. He exerted a gentle sigh, not wanting to drag anything on when it was completely unnecessary to do so.

"I'm just worried about you, Kokichi..."

"Huh, why worried? Is it about what I said earlier?"

"Yeah, it is."

Kokichi's expression softened a little as he held Shuichi closer. "Geez... you shouldn't be worried, Shuichi! I'm okay, so don't think about that anymore. I don't want you to."

"I understand, but... that's a lot easier said than done. You didn't deserve what happened to you at all. My mind won't stop going back to the first day of school, when I first saw you and you were covered in all of those bruises and bandages... you'd always talk about how you were used to being mistreated and then brush it off like it was nothing. You weren't phased at all when Maki hit you, and now that I know why that is, I can't help but feel horrible. We were so much closer than we thought, yet I missed out on so much of your life. It feels unfair that I couldn't give you love earlier. If I had the chance, I would've."

Shuichi found himself subconsciously gripping Kokichi tighter and tighter with each sentence. He didn't want to let him go. When he imagined someone beating up Kokichi and mentally torturing him for fun, it saddened him like nothing else. Not only that, it made him angry. He loved this boy way too much, and knowing that someone else could just treat him like useless garbage so casually?

It was disgusting.

Kokichi, on the other hand, had just continued to stroke Shuichi's hair as he thought of what to say. He was rendered speechless seeing all of this come out of Shuichi so suddenly. A part of him felt really guilty because of it. But, at the same time, knowing that Shuichi cared this deeply about him without being afraid to express it?

It was attractive. Very, very attractive.

"You're so sweet, Shuichi, thank you. You shouldn't be upset over that lost time though, okay? You're here now, aren't you? I am too, and I'm not going anywhere, so let's make up for all of it. I have the most beautiful boy in the world in my arms right now, so I have no reason to think about those irrelevant people who hurt me. It's clear that you love me, and I love you juuuuust as much." Kokichi gently rubbed Shuichi's back, trying his best to soothe him.

Shuichi nodded hesitantly. "You're right... I'll just try my best to let it go for now. But I want you to know, Kokichi, as long as you're around me, you'll always feel loved and safe. That's a promise I can assure you I'll never break, do you understand?"

Their eyes met, and Kokichi could only smile. He felt so incredibly lucky right now. Shuichi's voice was so soft and calming, it was obvious that what he was saying was genuine and coming from the bottom of his heart. It was the cutest thing ever.

"Mhm! I understand," Kokichi said, playfully pinching Shuichi's cheek, "so no more pity parties about the past, okay? Just forget about it and kiss me."

"I'd be more than happy to do that."

Shuichi leaned forward, and their lips touched. Being so enamored by one another, they found it extremely difficult to pull away. Every single time that they tried, they'd just hungrily go right back in for another kiss with increasing intensity. They refused to keep their hands or their lips off of each other. Shuichi was becoming more and more of a lovestruck mess by the second, which Kokichi was getting a huge kick out of. What started off as the two of them sprinkling innocent kisses on each other's faces quickly transpired into Kokichi amorously pinning Shuichi down onto the bed, leaving a bunch of bite marks along his neck and collarbone area. They tried their best to be quiet, but it was pretty challenging. Especially for Shuichi.

As they finally pulled away once and for all, a silence filled the room. Since it was such a spur of the moment thing, they were both kinda trying to process what they just did. Shuichi's face was completely red, and to add icing on the cake... some spots of his neck were pretty purple.

"Do you, uh... think your parents are gonna notice those?" Kokichi asked, awkwardly shifting off of Shuichi and sitting beside of him as he gestured towards his neck.

"Ah... it might slip past my dad if I cover them up well enough, but my mom's probably going to notice no matter what I do." Shuichi mumbled, slowly sitting up. He was in disbelief.

"Sorry, Kiri! You were just so cute, I couldn't resist."

"No, no! Don't apologize, it's not like I regret it or anything, I've just... never had this happen before, so I'm not sure what to do..."

"Same here. Let's just try and get those marks on you covered up for now, okay?"

Shuichi nodded in agreement, and with that, Kokichi hopped up and left the room. He asked Kyoko if he could borrow her makeup, to which she responded with an absentminded nod. She was pretty busy and didn't seem to entirely register what he was asking, but a win is a win. He grabbed it and scampered right back to Shuichi's room, helping him conceal his hickeys.

After that, they went about their afternoon as usual. To pass the time, Shuichi taught Kokichi a few detective tricks that were often used during investigation or interrogation. Kokichi was really fascinated by it and eager to learn, which he thought was way too adorable. They fell asleep once night time rolled around and got ready for school together the next morning—the usual.

"Come on, Kokichi. Let's go," Shuichi said softly, waiting by the front door.

"Do we have to go today? Can't we just stay home?" Kokichi grumbled, trudging over to Shuichi's side. He was especially tired this morning.

Shuichi laughed, shaking his head. "No, we can't. It wouldn't be fair to leave Kaede on her own today."

Kokichi let out a huge sigh of disappointment, pouting. "Fineeeeeee... bye Makoto, bye Kyoko!"

Makoto waved bye to the two of them, but Kyoko looked pretty lost in thought. She eventually waved as well, opening her mouth just before they both walked out of the door.

"Sorry to hold you back. Shuichi, can you come here for a second? It'll be quick."

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