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Jennie's POV

"JENNIE KIM" yelled Irene, her voice fading as she ran down stairs "we have to leave in like, two seconds"

I sighed and pulled my hair away from my face, getting up from where I had been sitting on the floor. Irene knew I wasn't great with time, hence the yelling. I swear I hadn't always been this forgetful but recently I could barely remember what day it was. 

"I'm coming" I muttered as I opened my desk draw, searching through its contents. I was taking so long because I was looking for my necklace, the one with the music note that my dad had given me, back when he was still alive. Fuck, that sounded depressing but I guess it was true, it was the only thing I had left from him. It was a little bit of a basic necklace, something one could find for ten dollars in a tourist shop, but it meant everything to me. 

Tonight was the winter dance at our school and since I had chosen, for their sake, not to have a date, Irene was going dateless as well.

I gave up looking for my necklace and tried to reassure myself that it was in my purse or something, I put on the final coat of nude lipgloss and came out of my bathroom.

"So," I asked, turning in a circle, "what do you think?"

She squealed and clapped her hands together "you look totes amaze"

I rolled my eyes and laughed, she glared at me before we both began walking downstairs.

I blew a piece of hair out of my face as I walked downstairs; my hair a natural dark brown but last week I'd nearly died parts of it hot pink, coming to my rescue, Irene had said I would have looked exactly like Aria from Pretty Little Liars then so now it just its dark boring brown color.

I grabbed my purse from the kitchen table and Irene opened the front door.

I stopped and began to look through my purse.

"Damn, I forgot my phone upstairs, be right back," I turned and walked back up the stairs.

Irene rolled her eyes, "it's okay, I planned on you forgetting something"

I walked into my room and turned in a circle.

Where had I left my phone?

Oh yeah! it was on the .... bed.

On my bed sat my phone and a piece of white note paper that hadn't been there when we'd left. Next to the piece of paper sat my necklace.

Where had that come from?

I stepped forward and unfolded the note.

"Don't forget this love, and stay safe tonight. You know how I feel about other men being too close to you"

I sucked in a breath.

No, no, no.

I closed my eyes and tried to breathe deeply, but the thoughts broke my barrier down.

He'd left me so many notes.

For a while now the notes would appear, in my locker, on my bed and in my car. I kept everything locked as much as I could remember too but it didn't seem to matter.
They were the reason I didn't date or get close to guys, hell even most girls.

But it wasn't just the notes, he left flowers, chocolates and other random gifts, all of which I instantly threw away except for one.

I'd gotten a sweatshirt once, it was a tan white beige color, and no writing on it except a small white heart on the right right of the chest. It was oversized which was my favorite and in that moment I just said fuck it. I didn't regret keeping it but I never wore it outside, for fear of being seen by him.

I still hadn't seen his face, I hadn't even caught a glimpse of him once. Whenever I had dated a boy which rarely occurred. They would get in weird accidents which I knew had something to do with him.

"Jennie, you coming?" Yelled Irene again.

I quickly put on the necklace and threw the note away.
Grabbing my phone I ran downstairs, wanting to get out if this house.

Irene drove tonight, which meant she got to pick the music but even with her horrible taste in metal I didn't hear any of it. He had been in my house, again.

I swallowed and thought about the dance, the crazy, stupid teenager event where I could just forget about all this. I didn't know why I was even going, I didn't have many friends but I did love dancing.

Before I knew it we were there, I guess when you are lost in a freakout the time goes by really fast.

I stepped out of the car and looked around.

The school parking lot was filled with people all dressed in shiny tuxes and sparkly dresses while a few of the kids just wore jeans and t-shirts, looking as if this was the last place they wanted to be.

Problem by Ariana Grande was blasting from loudspeakers and everyone was either dancing or making by the wall, typical high school dance.

I watched as Irene was absorbed into the crowd of dancers, this was her natural habitat, crowds jumping, sweaty and carefree, but only in the middle of the floor. A few people swayed along to the music on the outskirts of the gym, not wanting to be seen dancing.

I stood alone, swaying slightly to the music, trying not to get noticed by any guys.

It didn't work.

"Hey Babe, you wanna dance? or maybe we should just skip that and go back to my house and you can get to...Know me better" Said a guy who looked like he'd come right out of a surfer magazine, with sandy blond hair and tanned skin.

I recognized him slightly, I think he had graduated last year but was still "dating" one of the girls in my grade. And honestly he looked a little bit wasted.

I looked at him in disgust as he grabbed my arm and leaned in closer.

His grip was rough on my skin and I couldn't seem to break away from him.

"Get your hands off of me, for your own safety" I said trying to back away from him.

He pushed me back, pinning me again against the wall. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, the smell of too much cologne and sweat from all the dancing bodies dripping off him.

"please stop-" but before I could get put another word a gunshot rang out.

My ears were ringing and my vision blurred slightly, I slouched against the wall, my knees feeling weaker then before.

There was silence, then everyone began to scream.

I backed away from him, tripping over all the other stunned bystanders who wanted to get away from him as fast as possible.

Blood was dripping out of his chest as he sagged to the ground. He body looking rigid but I still saw his eyes blinking slowly as a couple of security officers ran over to him.

In shock, I looked up to where the shot had come from.

Above the gym, a maze of catwalks crossed the ceiling and for an instant, I saw the outline of a man in the flash of the lights before they went out.

It was him.

I knew it.

My stalker.

✔My Stalker [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now