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It had been almost a week since he had called me for the first time, and so far he had called me every day since then. He always told me how much he loved me. When my phone had died, I received almost thirty texts asking if I was ignoring him and if I was okay.

I was exhausted, this was tiring and I didn't understand.

Jisoo was still gone, but had called me every morning to make sure everything was okay.

Nothing crazy had happened, only the texts and calls from him.

I couldn't help but imagine him, his face.

I knew by this point I had watched too many movies and had too many daddy issues to not be slightly interested.

But at the same time, this wasn't fiction, this wasn't just a situation I could make up or change. A kid had died in front of me, my entire school life had been completely fucked and it was all his fault.

I sighed and turned on the tv, I grabbed the beer that I had just opened and sat down on the couch, pulling the fuzzy blanket over my legs.

Jisoo wasn't here to take the beer away so I was in for a fun night.

My phone pinged and I glanced down.

It was only Irene, a message in all caps that read."I SWEAR IF YOU STARTED WATCHING WINGS OF DESIRE WITHOUT ME I'LL KILL YOU!!"

I smiled, I had started it and it was pretty good so far.

It was one of her favorite movies about angels in Berlin after the wall collapsed, where her favorite band, Nick Cave and the Bats had this super creepy club dance scene at the end. Or that's how she's explained it anyway. She's also mentioned something about a circus performer.

I just sent a winky face in return and turned my phone off.

"What are we watching"

I jumped and spun around so fast I knocked my phone halfway across the room.

Right behind the couch stood a man, he wore a thick black leather jacket and black jeans, his hands resting and inch from where I had been sitting moments before.

He felt familiar yet he was a complete stranger to me. His black hair was short but fell over his face, his skin tanned just slightly, and his eyes...

They seemed to pierce into me, starting right through me, and I knew somehow, that I had seen those eyes before."What the fuck are you doing here?"

It was dumb but it was the only thing I could think of.

This was him.


"Sit back down" he said, a small smile on his face, but his tone made it clear he wasn't fucking around.

I shook my head.

"I don't know you"

But I did, I knew his voice, and god his eyes were gorgeous.

He raised an eyebrow "That's why I said sit back down Jennie"

I inched further and further away, pulling the blanket up more, very aware now that I was wearing tight boxer shorts and a T-shirt.

He shrugged and walked over to the fridge and took out a beer.

I frowned, I had been planning on having that.

He opened it with ease and sat down on the couch where I'd been previously."What are we watching?" He asked, setting his drink down and taking off his jacket.

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