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Jennie's POV

The next morning I was woken by alarm clock playing S my D by blood on the dance floor.

My logic for setting this terrible song as my alarm was simple, I really hated this song so I knew that if I set it as my alarm I would have to get up to stop it and this would wake me up.

Still half asleep, I threw on a pair of black jeans, black converse high tops, and a white t-shirt, way too big for me.

After yesterday, I want ever going to try and skip school again, I knew a fucking omen when I saw one.

I left my hair down and brushed on a small bit of mascara, too lazy to do my usual makeup routine.

Running downstairs I grabbed my phone and at the same time I accidentally knocked over a picture of me and my parents, I forgot about the fact that I was late and sat down on the floor.

I stared a the picture in my hands.

We had all been smiling at the camera, it had been a sunny day out but I only had bad memories about this trip. All of the people in this picture were dead. My parents had died when I was pretty young, my dad had been an army general and had made some enemies, that's what the police has said anyway. My mother had hung on for as long as she could without him but in the end, she took her own life.
If it wasn't for him, I would be dead with them now......

My parents truly had been soul mates, and they couldn't live without each other.
My old best friend was in this picture as well, but he was dead now too. His parents were somewhere in the background but I couldn't find them.

I swallowed and stood up, trying to get a hold of myself, I put the picture back where it was, this one incident slowing my day down and setting me in a mellow mood. I ran out the door and got into my small crappy car, speeding off to school. I was already late enough. As if I needed more tardies for being late, I was the fucking queen of them.

Normally I wouldn't have cared that I was late but the principle had already threatened to expel me twice and Jisoo would kill me if I was actually expelled.

The teachers would really expel me for this, they were all crazy, or at least I thought they were.

I got to school just as the bell was ringing, and to my joy, everyone was still talking about the dance.

Apparently, that kid was in a coma and in critical condition with almost no way to bring him back.

His friends were glaring at me and I felt so guilty because it had been partially my fault, I just looked down and hurried past them.

My first class was math, which for me, meant doodle time. This class had taught me how to be an artist more than it had taught me how to calculate anything.My main problem was the teacher, who wanted to think of herself as some kind of free spirit math teacher. Not that this had any factor in my problems with this class but her outfits always confused us. Today she wore a floral cardigan with a tank top, long shorts and hiking shoes. Her hair was piled on top of her head and had a few small braids hanging down.

She smiled at everyone who walked in, but it wasn't a nice smile, it was a smile that said how little she thought of us.

I sat down in my seat and got out my notebook, hiding my phone behind it

Halfway into the lesson my phone pinged.

My dumbass had forgot to silence it.

I tried to slouch down in my seat further to not be noticed but the teacher, Mrs. Red, turned around with a glare on her face.

"Well" she exclaimed, happy at a chance to yell at me once again "if it isn't Miss rule breaker, all phones must be turned off during class, you know how much they interrupt our learning process, unless this is an emergency, why don't you read the text you just received for the whole class to hear since it was obviously so important to get out attention??"

I hated that rule she had, she had even printed out a sign that said "if you interrupt us with a text, we all get to know why!" Which said right under a sign that said "math is tea for your mind"

Yeah she was a little high strung.

My face went white, well whiter than it already was."you can't legally do that" I said softly, I know it wouldn't work but I could try,

she shook her head "yes but I can fail you, dear, so speak loudly when you read, we all want to hear the gossip"

I looked down at my phone hesitantly.

I had that ringtone for one person only, Taehyung.
I reached down and grabbed my phone, scared to read what it said.

"um," I stammered, "It says 'hope you had a good morning, knowing you are in math class right now and knowing that you forget to turn your phone off, you might have to read this out loud, sorry"

my voice faltered.

"keep reading sunshine," the teacher said with a smirk on her face.

"spread the word around that you have a boyfriend" I finished speaking in almost a whisper, my last words creating murmuring to circulate around the room.

"go to the principles office, now!" she said, looking livid "we do not use this time to bring up your relationship to boost your self esteem!"

I grabbed my stuff and hurried out of class as fast as I could.

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