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Jennie's POV

Before I even opened my eyes I knew I was in trouble. I felt the tight rope that had my hands bound together behind my back, the material burning my skin whenever I moved. My ankles were tied as well, a piece of duct tape over my mouth but nothing blocking me from seeing. I was sitting in a chair in what looked like a basement, older cement walls looming up and no windows. Just a staircase leading up to a locked door.

Did I still have...?

I sighed in relief as I moved and felt the knife still tucked in my waist band, if I could only get my hands through the gaps in the back of the chair to retrieved it. I jumped slightly when my thoughts were interrupted by the door opening above me.

"Jen" Ryder exclaimed, his face still looking broken and bloodied "Im so glad you're awake." He reached out and tore the duct tape away, forcefully. Fuck that hurt.

"Let me out of here, please." I begged, the plea just made him smile more.

"Not yet little one" He leaned down and stroked me cheek, his touch making me shiver, my thin shirt doing nothing to keep me warm. He seemed to notice what I was wearing at that moment too, his hand traveling down my neck and fidgeting with the strap of my tank top. The lust in his eyes made me want to gag, his hand still resting too close to my chest.He would be able to feel my heart beating a million miles an hour, my chest rising and falling rapidly. "Don't be so scared" he coed "I'm not going to kill you, I can hurt Taehyung much worse if I keep you alive."

I shuddered, knowing exactly what he was implying.

He turned "I'll be back soon, don't wait up"

I didn't have time to think about his idol threats right now, I needed to get the knife out of my jeans and into my hands, somehow cutting through my restraints. I moved my hips, lining the knife up with a gap in the slats of the chair. I tried to push a hand through them, the rough wood leaving splinters in my skin. I winced at the feeling but kept going, the knife inches away. My fingers brushed the hilt just barely but my hand wouldn't go any further. Fuck. I strained against the wood, I just needed the smallest hold and I would be able to pull it the rest of the way.

My finger wrapped around the blade and I winced as it cut into my hand, my shirt had been the only thing stopping it from cutting my waist. I felt the thin trail of blood run down and drop onto the chair. I flipped the blade around, biting my lip to stop from crying out as it sliced into me again. At least I knew it was sharp now. I pressed it to the rope that was holding my hands and tried as best I could to make a back and forth motion. A long moment passed, my efforts slow but steady, the rope getting gradually getting looser as I cut through it piece by piece.I sighed in relief, tears nearly escaping my eyes as I heard the rope fall and I was able to cradle my sore wrists against my chest. After my moment of relief, I went to work freeing my legs from the rope, my jeans had thankfully stopped any marks from appearing on my ankles.

I stood shakily and looked around, there was nothing for me to use against him, I had rope, a chair and myself, nothing else was down here.

I heard the door open while I was still contemplating what to do.

"I think your boyfriends on his way" Ryder said, noticing but not mentioning that I had managed to free myself. He stood in font of me, a good foot taller, his muscular frame blocking my only escape.

"Good" I said softly, taking two steps back, my grip tightening on the knife. "He'll kill you when he gets here."

That seemed to make Ryder chuckle "Jennie I made him, he was a broken kid before I helped him out. He had no family, no Job and if he got arrested one more time he would have been in more trouble then I cared to get him out of." He reached out and swiftly grabbed my wrist before I could move away, yanking me over to him.

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