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Jennie's POV

I paced the cabin, nervously playing with a strand of my hair. If I kept this up it would be so knotted I wouldn't be ablate untangle it. 

Taehyung had left this morning and I still hadn't heard from him. I called Irene and told her I was working, and then I had called Jisoo and told her I was hanging out with Irene for the day. I really hoped they wouldn't be in danger, I didn't even know if I was in any actual danger, this whole thing seemed to be blown way out of proportion. 

Ryder hadn't actually threatened me in the bar...

No, fuck that, he knew that just be being there it was a fuck you to Taehyung. He wanted him to know exactly how much power he had. 

I was caught in the middle. 

I sighed and sat on the bed, I didn't know what to do with myself. I was waiting for Taehyung, I just needed any word from him that he was okay. I shook my head, I never thought I would feel so worried about his absence but I did. I felt a nervous pit in my stomach, the horrible thoughts of what is he doesn't come back flashing through my head. My life had revolved around him whether I wanted it to or not for years, I had to change how I acted, who I knew and part of me had caved in when I'd finally met him. He knew me, he fully knew me. He knew exactly what I wanted, what I craved without forcing the words from my mouth. He was like an addiction, I needed him as much as he needed me.

My phone chimed and I jumped, racing to the couch to grab it.

I'm safe, there's been a change in plans, don't let anyone inside unless its me or Larx

Change in plans?

I didn't know what that meant, but somehow I was still in danger. 

I glanced out the window, the movement of the trees catching my attention. I narrowed my eyes, dropping my phone back onto the couch. What was that?

I put my hand against the cool glass and tried to peer outside. There was no wind in the trees, nothing moved. I felt a shiver run down my spine, I was alone and locked in this house. 

I turned away, my eyes glancing around at the other windows. 


I heard the knob turn, the lock keeping the door shut. My heartbeat accelerated, Taehyung knew how to get in, he wouldn't mess around with he doorknob. Trying to be as quiet as I could, I walked over to the door and tried to peak out through the small hole up top. Small patches of light and then blackness, as if whoever it was had put a hand over it, knowing I would try to find out who they were. I grabbed me phone, backing away from the door. 

I tried to call Taehyung, but it wouldn't ring. 

Call failed. 


I heard a bang as something slammed into the door, shaking the house. Taehyung had told me something about an emergency alert system that would block everyone out, but what had he told me to do? My mind was racing, looking around for anything help. I grabbed the gun and breathed in deeply, trying to slow my heart rate. I remembered my training, I knew how to shoot but aiming had always been my problem. I felt fucking useless trapped In here. Another bang that shook the house, echoing around into the silence. 

Something exploded and suddenly I felt my body pushed backwards with the force. 

I hit the wall and fell to the ground, pulling my hands over my head, the ringing in my ears piercing through my head like sharp needles. 

"I bet he told you this place was impenetrable" 

I groaned and tried to cover my ears, this grating voice causing my teeth to grind. I squinted though the dust, wood and metal lay around me, a tattered empty hole where the door used to stand. I felt pain everywhere, moving my hands in front of my eyes I realized I can see a million small cuts. My ribcage hurt, my head ached and I couldn't seem to feel my legs. 

Ryders shadow moved over my face, sending chills through my body. His cold eyes met mine, his face covered in dried blood, a gun in his hand. 

"Taehyung should have backed me up" he spat, grabbing my hair in his fist "Fucking dumb ass FBI didn't even know I was gone until it was too late."


I didn't understand what he was talking about, something had happened, something bad. 

"Now you're going to be punished for his sins, let's go have some fun."

He dragged me up, I tried to grab a hold of his wrist but received a harsh slap across the face, blurring my vision more. 

I blinked, trying to focus as the black spots began to dance in front of my eyes, my head fighting to remain conscious. 

Where was it?

As he dragged me past the couch, I reached my hand out, palming the knife Taehyung had left me, hidden underneath the piece of furniture. I wasn't going to let him hurt me.

I pushed the knife into the waistband of my jeans before my hand fell limp to the floor, my vision slowly growing dark. 

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