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Jennie's POV

At the end of the school day, I was sitting outside by the track, the sun feeling so good at it warmed my neck and shoulders. Irene lay on her stomach and had a book opened on the ground.

"You know what I don't get" she said suddenly, looking up at me "how is the history sub so young, I mean he doesn't look much older then us and he was hot"

I sighed "I don't know, maybe he just finished school really fast" I really didn't want to talk about it.

The way he'd looked at me and touched me during class, fuck that was so hot. I had felt my legs shaking when I'd gone back to my seat, and I hadn't really been able to focus much after that.

"I think he's so hot though, I wonder if he has a girlfriend" she pondered the thought "hey, there he is"

She pointed across the field and I turned my head to look.

She was right, Taehyung sat in the shade next to another teacher, papers covering the table in front of them.

I gritted my teeth, she was maybe in her mid 30's but definitely one of the more attractive teachers.I got up "I just remembered, I forgot to ask about the homework, I never tuned it in today"

Irene shrugged "he ask him"

I stood up and walked over to him "Mr. Grey" I said in my sweetest voice, leaning over the table a bit, my skirt riding up ever so slightly "I forgot I had a couple questions about the homework"

He cocked his head at me, a bit confused by my tone.

"I'll be right back then" the woman said, "you want a coffee?"

He shook his head as she got up and walked inside.

My smile dropped "why are you talking to her?"

He laughed softly "is that jealousy in your voice baby girl?"

I glared at him "I never said that, you're only a sub you don't need to talk to the other woman here"

He looked around before putting his hand on mine "I like you when you're a bit crazy"

I snatched my hand back "you're crazy" I muttered.

"I'll kill her right now if you want me to" he said, opening his jacket to show me the gun holstered inside "you wouldn't even have to ask me twice" "I really don't want you to do that" I said "but if I'm not allowed to be close the men then you aren't allowed to be close to woman"

He stood up in front of me, close, but not close enough for anyone to be suspicious should they see. "Oh yeah? How are you going to keep me in line?"

His voice was soft and playful, but I knew if I focused on it for long I would get distracted.

"You're going to quit" I said, crossing my arms over my chest "and you're going to take me somewhere, I want to see your life since you keep forcing yourself into mine, I don't even know where you live"

He smiled "deal"

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