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Jennie's POV

I turned off my car and stepped out, wincing slightly, my legs slightly sore from what had happened this morning. I had stayed in bed almost all day, but as the light started to fade I decided to drive home. I needed to change but I also needed time to clear my head.

I unlocked the door and threw my bag down on the couch, taking my phone out of my pocket and sitting down on one of the chairs.

The house seemed so empty without Jisoo, I could call Irene but I wasn't sure what I could say. She hadn't known about any of this, I mean in the beginning I'd mentioned how weird I felt, like I was being watched but we both hadn't taken it to seriously.

I needed more time with him, I needed more of him but Larx had come to grab him, muttering something about plans.

Maybe I could call Irene, I just needed company and I needed to get my mind off Taehyung.

I put on a new pair of clothes and began to clean, tying my hair back in a ponytail. The house wasn't a mess but I had left some dishes in the sink and cleaning gave me time to think.I jumped as I heard the door open "Jennie if you aren't home I will start to cry."

I closed my eyes and sighed in relief, it was just Irene.

"You scared me!" I yelled from the kitchen, drying off my hands hurriedly on a towel.

She appeared in the doorway, "dude, I called you a bunch of time! What's up? You missed school today"

Shit, I hadn't even remembered that it was Friday, that meant that I was supposed to be at work... shit, about 5 minutes ago.

"Fuck I'm sorry" I grabbed my phone from the counter and dialed the number for work, hearing the line ring twice before Nick answered.

"Nick, hi it's Jennie, I know I'm already late but something came up, it's kinda of an emergency"

He sighed "yeah, you'll probably be fine, not many people are here tonight anyway, you good to come in tomorrow?"

"Honestly, probably not but next weekend should be good"

"Aight stay safe" and with that he hung up the phone. Fuck, it wasn't like me to forget like this, I hadn't even remembered what day it was."You okay Jen?" Irene looked concerned, but I knew I couldn't tell her.

I cleared my throat and nodded, trying to avoid her eyes "Jisoo's just been gone and it's a little bit hard to be alone"

"The panic attacks aren't starting again right?" And her tone was serious, I shook my head. "No but I just haven't been thinking clearly, I've been sleeping fine which is a good sign but with no one in the house I get lost in my head"

She nodded "I can stay here tonight if you want me too" and I smiled, yeah that was a good idea.

"Thank you" I said, picking up the sponge as I finished the last couple pans.

"But I'm picking the movie we watch, seeing as you disrespectfully watched my favorite movie without me" she said as she walked over to the couch "I could also invite Avery and have her pick the movie." And I could tell she was smirking.

"If I wanted to watch she's the man for the hundredth time I would say yes but I'm not in the mood" and she laughed.

I finished up and sat down besides her on the couch and she turned her eyes to me "does Jisoo have an liquor?" And I shrugged "I'm not sure, you can check the top cabinet, I just finished off the beers the other night." Irene had turned on the tv and began playing The Breakfast Club, one of her other favorite movies.

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