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Jennie's POV

I sat with my legs across his lap, my hands around a can of beer.

It was weird being here,  meeting his friend who really didn't talk much, and when he did he just gave Taehyung shit.

I tilted my can up and finished it, my lips tingling slightly, I was definitely a little tipsy.

I grabbed me phone from my pocket and saw Jisoo had sent me a text. Her brother was doing better but she needed to stay a while longer. Damn. I hated being home alone without her. The I felt nervous butterfly's in my stomach. What it I stayed the night here, I was already tipsy, so I shouldn't drive.

I had been thinking none stop about him. Feeling his body, driving him crazy but the hottest thing was his reaction to me.

"Jennie" he said, snapping me out of my thoughts "we're going upstairs babygirl"

Larx pulled a pillow over his head, and in a muffled voice said "I'll be passed out down here with earplugs in"

Taehyung smacked the side of his head, before grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs.I couldn't help but stare at the pictures on the walls, recognizing Taehyung's face in them. His smile causing my heart to warm.

He pulled me into the bedroom and I looked around. He had black sheets and black pillows, no art hung on the walls but a tattered poster for slipknot was taped on the back of the door. He had a couple books on a shelf near his desks and three huge monitors. There was headphones and a couple maps folded up next to the computers. Along with multiple fingerprint coded safes hiding against the wall.

He pulled my jacket off, I looked over at him, a nervous feeling welling up in the pit of my stomach.

"What are you doing?" I asked, and he pulled my tshirt over my head.

"You" he said, kissing my forehead "are a bit drunk and are going to go shower, then you're putting on my shirt and your sleeping beside me"

I saw his eyes gaze at me, running down my body as he continued to undress me.

"You're not going to do anything?" I asked, almost hopefully and he smiled softly.

"No baby girl, I'm not doing anything, for the first time anyway while your drunk, no matter how difficult it is, believe me, I want to do so many things to you but we are going to wait till you want me to"I closed my eyes a stumbled slightly, his arms reaching out to steady me.

He had to be lying, what guy would every do that, all they wanted to something to fuck, and I didn't matter to most if they person said yes or not.

"Okay?" He said and I nodded, following him to the bathroom where he turned on the shower. He pulled me skirt off and pulled me to him "baby you've got to take all that off because I will get very distracted"

My black bra and underwear were still on and I smiled at him as he shook his head and walked out the door.

I got into the shower, leaving my clothes on the floor. The warm water leaving my skin pink. I washed my hair with his shampoo and conditioner, thankful he didn't have that two in one bullshit. And ran a bar of soap over myself before rinsing off and stepping out onto the black bathmat. I grabbed the towel and ring out my hair once before wrapping it around me. I opened the door and was met with the cold air.

Taehyung sat at the desk, shirtless, his face expressionless. I saw multiple camera viewpoints brought up on the monitor. He spun around stared at me.

"What?" I asked, looking down self consciously."You're the most beautiful woman iv ever seen in my life" he said softly. His muscles rippled and he pushed himself off the chair, my eyes wondering over the tattoos on his chest.

He grabbed a black T-shirt and handed it to me, along with a pair of tight boxers.

He sat back down but his eyes never left me.

Knowing exactly what I was doing, I pulled the towel off and brought it to me hair, getting the last few droplets of water.

I heard him take a breath in and smiled softly.

I pulled on the clothes he'd given me and lay down on the bed.

"You just want me to hurt don't you" he said, shutting off the computer and climbing over beside me. I moved over into his arms, closing my eyes. "A little" I murmured, and he kissed softly "go to sleep" he said, but I was already passed out.

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