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Taehyung's POV

I'd watched Jennie and she drove away, so she wanted to know more about my life now? I didn't exactly want that to happen but I wanted her.

I got on my bike and drove home, taking a new route just in case someone was still following me. The stalker being stalked. For a couple years after I'd left my old group of guys I'd noticed a tail on me. I always saw the same cars circling my houses and in the crowds I would notice a couple guys always keeping tabs on me. Ryder definitely sent them. They had stopped thankfully, and I wasn't sure if it was because I eventually lost them or because someone lost interest in me.

Even though I was done with my old life. I was weary that it would resurface soon. A couple of my friends had gotten in contact because something seemed to be going on but nobody was found guilty.

When I got home I saw a man on my front porch, and he wasn't trying to hide his presence which meant two things. He knew exactly who I was and knew it was useless to hide, and second, he needed me for something. I got off my bike cautiously, ready to take out my gun in a seconds notice but as it turns out I didn't have to.The man wore a long black trench coat and combat boots covered in dirt, it didn't look very conspicuous but I didn't think that was the point.

His silver hair was spiked up and he looked about twenty-eight, twenty-seven.

"Larx, what the hell do think you're doing here?" I asked, walking up the steps wearily.

The man, Larx stepped forward looking around, making sure that I was alone.

"we need your help, Tae"

I stared at him then without hesitation, took my gun out, cocking it and pointing it straight at his face.

"Go inside right now or I'll shoot" I said and his expression flickered from annoyed to scared but only for a second, then he hurriedly walked inside. I followed him in, locking the door behind me.

"Speak" I ordered him as he sat down on the couch.

He looked down at his hands "Ryders on some shit Taehyung, I haven't seen it this bad in a while. We have guys dying everyday and none of weapons are coming in like he says, the boats aren't taking that crap anymore"

Fuck, of course it had to do with Ryder."He's got this whole plan in his head to start getting involved with the distribution instead of just smuggling this shit and anyone who disagrees with him goes down"

I lowered my gun a bit "I mean it makes sense to distribute and smuggle, saves time and money, but our guys aren't going to even fit the part of putting that shit out there"

"I know, Taehyung, dude you have to come back for a second and just get shit organized, he's going off his rocker, I don't know how much more of this shit the guys can take"

I nodded, I understood his point but I also didn't want to get so involved again, although these guys liked me and respected me, I knew there were a couple that would fire a bullet at me and claim it was an accident.

"Okay" I said slowly "but of Ryder gives me any shit I'm done"

He looked so thankful "thank you, now that I'm done fucking begging for your help, can we grab a beer? It's been a long day"

Jennie, I really should be getting back to her but she had made it clear she wanted to be part of my life. I hadn't planned on involving her just yet, but I didn't want to spend time away from her.

I grabbed two beers from the fridge and unlocked my phone, texted her the address and letting her know to come alone and to come fast.I opened the beers and passed one over to him.

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