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Jennie's POV

I woke up alone, Taehyung's heavy black blanket wrapping me up. I sat up slowly, slightly groggy.

I blinked me eyes, the sun streaming in from the window blinding me for a moment.

"You're up" he said, closing the door behind him.

"Hi" I said softly, as he placed a cup of coffee in my hands, his own cup on the desk nearly empty. He sat down and continued cleaning a gun that lay dismantled on the desk. He wore all black again today, and his hair still looked wet from the shower. How long had he been awake ? Definitely long enough to shower and get dressed, and too be fair I didn't even know what time it was.

"You sleep okay princess?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice. He eyes seemed to look straight into my head, examining every single thought.

Fuck, I had definitely talked in my sleep. I had known for a while that I did that, and it started from panic attacks I would get in the middle of the night. My therapist had told me it was fine but I needed to stay away from screens before bed and take certain medications, none of which really helped."What did I say" I asked, embarrassed.

He chuckled "no don't worry, you just said random words but you did say my name at one point which makes me happy"

I took a sip of coffee and relaxed back into the bed, I couldn't place what I was feeling, but the closest I could get to was safety. I was comfortable here.

I didn't remember what I'd dreamed about, but it hadn't been anything bad.

I shook my head "I don't remember" and he flashed me a small smile before turning his hands back to his work.

I spent the morning in bed, watching him as he cleaned various weapons, every now and then I'd ask a question, and he would answer. Explaining in great detail what certain parts of the equipment did.

"I have to do this job" he finally said after a moment of silence "and it's not going to be good"

Job? What job was he talking about, did this have anything to do with the guy I'd met last night? Larx?

"What job?" I asked softly, putting my cup down and stretching, suddenly feeling very aware I was just wearing a T-shirt and underwear.He clicked the barrel back into the gun and took a long look at me, his eyes focusing on mine.

"I'm not sure, they just want me to help figure some stuff out for them, I'm not quit sure what happening but something's wrong" he brushed his hand through his hair, visibly unsettled "they would ask me to help unless it was bad"

I didn't want him to leave but I didn't know why. I had grown so used to his presence here with me that having him gone, just felt like I was doing something wrong. I had grown attached and it was bad.

"I don't want you to go" I said selfishly, pulling the blankets higher around me "just stay here with me"

I his sides of his mouth move slightly, my comment had gotten a smile out of him.

"Oh yeah" he said as he put down the gun gently and walked over to me, pulling my warm covers away from my body.

"Fuck Jennie" he said softly, his eyes wondering over me "you can't just look like that and not expect me to do something"

I bit my lip, the butterfly's fluttering in my stomach.

"Then do it"I moved closer to him, holding eye contact nervously.

Without hesitation he grabbed my legs and yanked me to him, pulling my shirt above my head and throwing it to the ground. He grabbed my thighs and I felt his muscles tightened as he picked me up, his mouth kissing a line from my neck to my chest, his tongue catching my nipple in his mouth.


I had to arch my head back to stop from moaning, my nails digging into his back, his tongue sending shivers up my spine.

As fast as he had picked me up, he threw me down on the bed again, pulling him shirt off and exposing his chest.

He undid his belt and pulled it out of the loops on his jeans.

Without saying a word he grabbed my hands and looped the belt around my wrists, holding them above my head, conveniently looping them through one of the rods that made up his bed frame.

He took a step back and stared at me, his eyes moving over my body.

"Jennie" he said softly, his finger running down my stomach, as I arched my back in resistance."Yes" I said softly, not knowing what else to say, while my entire body craved his touch.

"You're mine do you understand that, you're never going to be with anyone else, look at anyone else or even think about anyone else" he whispered, grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling my head back.

"Yes Mr. Grey" I said, trying to keep my face as straight as I could, but I couldn't resist the joke.

He didn't find it as funny as I did though as he pulled my head back further and put his other hand on my throat.

"What did you say" he hissed in my ear.

I stammered "yes, I said yes"

"Good girl"

He bit down harder on my neck, his tongue swirling around the new marks he'd left, soothing the small pain. He pulled off my underwear as he lay kiss after kiss down my stomach.

He tongue caught me by surprise and I had to bite my lip to stop from crying out, fuck that felt good. His teeth nipped gently, causing my legs to shake.

He stopped slowly, backing up to take off his jeans, my legs still shaking slightly.He threw his clothes aside and my eyes widened, there was no way he was going to fit inside me. It was physically possible. He grabbed my legs and pulled me close to him, leaning down over to me.

"Do you want me?" He said, his hand cupping the side of my check, stroking back my hair.

Every single part of me ached for him, I needed him, I wanted him. He belonged inside me right this moment. As if on cue I lifted my hips slightly, squirming, but he held my gaze.

"I want you" I said, "please"

And that was all it took, he pushed inside me slowly and I leaned back, flames of pleasure shooting through my body, I heard him swear softly under his breath. He began to move slowly, getting me used to the rhythm.

I couldn't think, I could barely even breath, I was overwhelmed with every single nerve ending sending me signals as he moved inside me.

I felt pressure building up, a tingling sensation beginning to build and then all at once I let go, I clench around him and he grabbed the headboard for support.

"Fuck" he said, holding my hips steady. I felt him release as I tightened around him, filling me up, my muscles still spasming around him.

He slid to the side so he wasn't crushing me and untied me from the make shift restraints he'd made. I rubbed my wrists which were slightly sore from the belt, and curled up in a ball by his side, pulling the blanket over my body.He slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him "this is why you wanted me to stay here with you huh" he said, chuckling softly. I shook my head "no but it definitely made the morning better"

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