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Back at school on Monday I was getting glares from most of the teachers

I hadn't done any of my homework since the dance, Hell I hadn't done a lot of it before the dance either. I hadn't told Jisoo what was going on, and I definitely hadn't mentioned the recommendation for me to begin my therapy sessions again. There was no way I'd get into college at this point but it wasn't really a big concern. I stood leaning against the lockers avoiding people's glances but I couldn't avoid the whispers of my classmates.
My friends joined me, not noticing the looks I was getting because they were arguing about something.

Bella rolled her eyes at them "well I think we should go, the IDs look so real"
The rest of the group was crossing their arms and looking skeptical.
Avery "but there are like, grown men there, what if they think we're hot and try to fuck us?"
Avery was honestly one of the dumbest people I knew yet she was one of my closest friends.
Bella "just go along with it, or are you waiting for Brandon to finally sleep with you, he doesn't even know you exist"

"Um, guys," I said, "what are we talking about"? I'd decided to actually see what they were talking about, tired of laughing silently at them now.

Bella looped her arm through mine "see Jen, some of the hot guys are rumored to be going to thunder, you know that Bar? and so we asked if we could come and they said yes and that they can get us fake IDs"

My eyes widened, thunder was the Bar I sang at, and I was singing there again tonight.

"Um I don't think you guys should go there, you guys don't know the first thing about going out and being around that kind of crowd"

Bella arched an eyebrow "and you do?"

I shook my head "what I mean is that you don't know how to tell a guy no"

Then again neither did I.

Bella looked annoyed "well we are going whether you like it or not"
Then she began to flounce off but I stopped her.
"I'm coming, I don't want you to get hurt"

She smirked, looking so happy, she squealed and they ran off talking about dresses and guys and makeup.

Irene just shrugged "just let them go Jennie, they are fucking weird, it won't be too bad if they see you sing there right?"

I sighed, I didn't really want them in that bar, I didn't want them seeing that different side of me.
I rolled my eyes at Irene and we walked to our next class.I couldn't really concentrate, we sat down near the back and used our books to hide our phones while we continued to text each other about that night.

"Are they actually going to go through with this Irene?"

I saw her text bubbles appear and then disappear, she needed to think about it a second.

"Idk, probably, they don't really understand why it's bad ya know"

I signed and slumped down with my face on the desk.

I'd texted Taehyung last night, for the very first time on my own, not in response to him.

It was a little bit stupid but I didn't sing in front of people that knew me, strangers were much easier to deal with. I'd wanted to know what he thought. But men are stupid and so his reply had been something like "I didn't like the men staring at you, but yes you were amazing my love"

Again men are dumb.

The day passed by quickly, and I didn't really pay attention, school wasn't really a place I wanted to be. As soon as it ended I was startled out of my walking comatose state by Avery, who was overly excited about "clubbing" tonight.She pulled us all over to her car and ran through her plan, she wanted to have everyone come over and start getting ready right that moment, makeup would be first and then clothes but we couldn't eat because that would make it less easy to get drunk.

Irene gave me a look that said run and she pointed across the parking lot, redirecting Avery's gaze for a second and I slipped away.

When I got home, I opened the door to my room and slumped onto my bed. My bag falling off my shoulder dramatically.

"Long day?"

I jumped up, nearly falling off the bed.

"You said you wouldn't do that!" I said, punching his arm, but before my fist could even make contact, he grabbed my wrist and yanked me up, standing right in front of him. Our faces closer together then they had ever been.

I stool there shocked as he stroked my hair out of my face.

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