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Taehyung's POV

I stood outside her house as she was talking to the policeman.

How dare they question her.

How had Jisoo been okay with that situation?
She just seemed to trust the cops enough to let them question her alone, which seemed a little crazy to me. 

True, this whole situation had kind of been her fault in a twisted way, but she was mine and I was still proving that to her. She would realize there wasn't another option, it was only me. I loved her more than anything, she would want for nothing. 

I wasn't going to let anyone harm her, and I knew exactly what guys like that wanted.

She'd just looked too god damn sexy in those clothes and without me, she was fair game to any man.

I had just needed to protect what was mine.

I walked around to the side of the house to where her window was; I knew every door and every window into this house like the back of my hand, I mean, how else was I supposed to watch her?

Her room was on the second floor but it was surrounded by trees which were very easy to climb.
I needed to talk to her, to hear her voice addressing me and not just talking to her friends, I'd left her a note today, warning her and watched in the shadows as she read it. She'd listened, because what happened tonight was all due to another man.

She knew the rules; she'd backed away from that guy.

I just had to tell everyone else that she was taken.

I wanted to play with her, take her mind off of what she'd seen tonight.

I watched as she took off her clothes and got into the shower, her creamy skin and perfect body disappearing from my sight as the glass fogged up from the stream created by the hot water. I opened the window and crawled inside. I shook my head, she really should be keeping that window locked so men like me couldn't climb in and watch her.

I smiled as I leaned against the counter, watching her silhouette, hearing her singing problem quietly to herself as she closed her eyes to rinse out the shampoo in her hair.

Her way of dealing with anything was music, and I didn't matter if she was playing it so loud she couldn't think of singing quietly to herself.

I shouldn't have had her witness what had happened tonight, my poor Jennie.

I took a piece of paper out go my pocket and scribbled my phone number on it. She was a brave girl and knowing her, I knew she would either call or text me.

This way I wouldn't have to waste paper, I was making the fucking earth a happier place. knowing my perfect Jennie, I knew she could appreciate I made the effort to not waste paper for her.

I took the clean clothes she had on the counter and breathed in their smell. they smelled of jasmine and vanilla, exactly like one of her perfumes. Fuck I loved that smell.

I put them in the bag I had with me and smiled to myself one more time as I watched her. She would definitely get these back at some point, but right now I needed to get her attention more then normal, get her mind off the dance.

My beautiful Jennie.

I climbed out the window and left it open; I wanted her to know I had been here, that I had been watching her. I wanted her to know how much power I had in her life.

I walked back to my house which was only a block away, I had gotten it to be close to her, and I had a couple others but none which such a vantage point to her house. The streets were dark and gloomy, with only the dull glow of the street lights that flickered every now and then. I opened the door to my house my eyes scanning every inch of the room instantly, my instincts kicking in. A while back it wasn't uncommon to come back to my house and several men angry and ready to end my life. 

They were never very good at their job. 

I sighed, sometimes I missed seeing the look in their eyes when I held the knife close to their skin, the shape blade drawing droplets of blood. They knew it was over, they always knew but they begged anyway. Offering me cars, boats, girlfriends, anything in exchange for their miserable little lives. I had tried to move away from that life, my focus on Jennie. I couldn't put her in any danger unless it was absolutely necessary, like tonight. 

I waited, my eyes never leaving my phone, I could have texted her, true but God the anticipation felt good. I wanted her to crave me, I wanted her to think about me as she fell asleep, wondering if I was watching. I needed her to text me, I needed her to want me.

I sat at my computer, not focusing on any particular task, just waiting and staring blankly at the screen until around midnight my phone pinged.

I smiled in satisfaction, the release of endorphins as I won, as I got what I wanted. 

It was her.

Who are u?

should u tell her? I wanted to but also without her knowing any details I was perfect, I was a stranger without the flaws she could spot so easily. I keep as soon as she knew the way my thoughts worked she would figure out how fucked up I was.

The only one you can trust

I replied back

I don't know you, leave me alone

I knew she would be shy at first but she would come around eventually. 

You are mine my love, I'm unable to leave you alone

Please just tell me your name

I smiled, I liked when she begged.

Taehyung, it's Taehyung my beautiful Bella

Jennie's POV

After turning his note over and over in my hands, I finally texted him.

I didn't care that it was dangerous and I didn't care what happened but I needed this cryptic back and forth banter to stop.

What sort of game was he playing?

After our weird texting conversation, I knew something about him I didn't know before.

His name is Taehyung.

I went to sleep with more questions than ever before but one stayed on my mind longer than the others, what would he look like?

Why was he so overly obsessed with me.?

Why me?

I sighed and turned off the light, letting sleep take me.

Waking up the next morning was torture, I was tired and felt like curling up and crying after last night.

I managed to get dressed and get downstairs so I could get my coffee before school but I just.... really Fucking didn't want to go.

I grabbed my phone and called Irene, who I knew would be down to skip school with me.

"Hey girly, what's up?" She asked, the music playing in the background nearly drowning out her voice.

"You wanna go to the beach today man? I can't handle going to school"

I could almost imagine her raising an eyebrow in surprise "really ? The good girl Jennie skipping school?? So scandalous!"

I rolled my eyes "pick me up in 20?" 

She laughed "got it"

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