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Jennie's POV

I walked up the hospital stairs the next day, my hair still damp from the shower. I wore his jacket over a black top and black jeans, having it on bringing me some comfort. I checked in quickly at the front desk and headed to his room. I tried to stay out of the way of the nurses, walking as silently as I could, the route now very familiar to me. Opening the door, I stepped inside, feeling instantly lighter. I was about to see him. Being by myself had become a chore, the bed feeling too big for one person at night, my days plagued by boredom.

I shut the door quietly and turned.

My stomach dropped as I froze, my hand clenching tight around the doorknob.

He was gone.

The bed was made up of sterile white sheets, the monitors gone and the the room seeming untouched. My heart began to race, had he woken up? I pulled out my phone to check if he had called but there was nothing. My breathing sped up and I leaned against the door, my legs feeling suddenly weak.

Opening it, I went into the hallway and back to the desk "Where is Taehyung?" I asked, a hint of panic in my voice. I recognized the woman behind the desk, I'd seen her a couple times during the last week. She raised an eyebrow at me and turned to her computer, typing something into the keyboard "He was discharged yesterday night hon." she said, leaning closer to see her screen.He hadn't come to me.

I didn't hear what she said next, turning and walking towards the door in a daze. That fucking bastard had woken up and hadn't let me know. Had he just decided that he was done with me? He'd told me I was his weakness, I was the only way people could get to him. I noticed my hands were shaking, my car keys making a feint jingling sound from my movement.

He didn't get to put me through all of that and then just leave. I wasn't going to just be used.

I unlocked my car, my breathing and heart rate normalizing as I felt anger taking over the panic. I drove home silently, trying to process what had just happened.

I passed the bar where I used to work, I guess I had been fired when I hadn't shown up this past week but that was fine. I didn't exactly need that job right now and honestly, it was hard for me to be anywhere aside from home or the hospital.

Pulling into the driveway of my house, I noticed Jisoo's car was gone. She had gone back to work after her trip, taking a couple additional days off the take care of me. Her expression growing more worried every day, she knew what was happening.I took my phone out as I walked inside, calling Taehyung's number, each time I was met with ringing and then told to leave a message. I just continued to press call. If he wanted to not tell me where he was then he was going to get a million missed call notifications.

I sat down on the bed and continued pressing the phone icon, glaring at my screen each time he didn't answer. Where the fuck was he? He didn't get to do this to me, to promise me everything in the world and then take it all away. Even if I had nothing I would still have him, but now I had less than nothing because he was gone. He must know I have attachment issues, he couldn't do this to me.

Gritting my teeth, throwing my phone against the wall in frustration, this wasn't helping.

I slid off the bed onto the floor, my eyes watching my reflexing in the floor length mirror ahead of me. I felt a pang of guilt when I saw how empty my eyes had become. A hollow emptiness that I recognized from years before. I'd felt like this when my mom and dad had died. I used to walk past our old house everyday, staring into the same windows and watching as the lawn become overgrown. It had been months later that they put a for-sale sign in the driveway, the price severely reduced. I'd watched as the property was shown to families, watching as they imagined it to be their home with their kids. They didn't know what had happened there yet, but eventually they found out. They decided against the purchase, opting for a house free of suicidal energy.I had that same empty feeling then, and God I wished it hadn't come back. The familiarity making it worse. I couldn't go back to this place.

I made a face and began to stand, noticing a box on my desk for the first time, the light reflecting off the white lid. I went over and inspected it. A small box, taped shut with a folded piece of paper attached.

Opening the note tentatively, I read what was written inside, the words in perfect cursive.

I'll explain soon buttercup, be good for me

Inside the box was a necklace, a silver chain with a tiny silver gun pendant.

I was going to kill him.

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