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My phone rang and my stomach fluttered when I saw it was him.

To my surprise I wanted to talk to him, to hear his voice, and tell him how fucking stupid he was for what he had just put me through.

I wanted to know who this man was that was ruining my life.

I pressed answer call and held the phone up to my ear "Yes?" I said softly, tentative about who would be on the other end.

"You okay love?" He asked.

I took a shaky breath, His voice was husky, and he sounded concerned for me. But fuck that, he had been the one to put me in that situation. I didn't want anyone to know I had a boyfriend, especially when I didn't.

"why did you do that?"
I asked, my nails tapping anxiously against my phone.

"Just wanted to call you, but I can't have these people looking at you like they do, God Jennie you don't even see how their eyes follow you. You're mesmerizing" he stopped talked for a second "how are your hands?" A hint of concern creeping into his voice.I sighed, why did he go through all that just to call me, I guess it was all just to see how I was.

"Please," I said "just leave me alone, I'm so tired of this game"

No answer.

"Did you save me yesterday?"

"Did you doubt it was me?" He asked

"Thank you...but seriously, please leave me alone, I can't take much more of this"

I felt tears pressing against my eyes, I really didn't think I could go on like this.

Even over the phone, I heard him sigh.

"Don't worry love" he said softly "I'm here for you, but just be careful okay? and I will hurt anyone who looks at you the wrong way."

With that, the phone went dead.

I closed my eyes and tried to stop from crying.

Fuck, I hated this but at the same time...

I shook my head and continued walking to the principals office.

I replayed the sequence of events that had happened and he nodded I'll chat with Mrs Red, but in the meantime Jennie, I think we should talk about maybe getting you some sessions with the school counselor"I shook my head "no I'm fine, Jisoo said it was okay when I stopped going to therapy because my anxiety attacks had almost stopped"

He raised an eyebrow "I understand but after what happened at the dance I'm a little worried, you've been missing classes, coming in late and have been a little bit unfocused. I'll let you and Jisoo decide but it's just my recommendation"

I grabbed my bag and nodded.
I didn't want to go back to therapy or start talking about my feelings with anyone.

I had began to go as a kid, after my parents had passed, I'd had some trouble eating and for long periods of time would stay curled up in a ball in the corner of my room.

The panic attacks were separate, I had become paranoid but now looking back I wasn't crazy.

I began to look behind me everywhere, I swore someone was following me. My therapist has listened but told me it was just because I was afraid of ended up like my parents. It was kind of a bullshit line and it didn't make me feel any better.

What had made me feel better was the hand gun I had locked under my bed in my dads old safe. I had found it in his office and privately asked Jisoo to help me learn to shoot as a safety precaution.She had agreed but on one condition, I had to keep it locked away and never carry it outside of the house.

I wasn't so paranoid anymore but there was no way I was going back to therapy.

I angrily shoved my bag into my locker and grabbed my running clothes.

This whole situation was fucking with my head.

I just needed some peace.

✔My Stalker [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now