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Taehyung's POV


I glanced away from the house's camera feed to give Larx a questioning look. The entire warehouse got swarmed by swat, the guys from the FBI following soon after and cuffing every man inside. Somehow Larx had made sure a couple of our important guys were conveniently missing. Larx gestured to the doorway, watching as Reyes appeared, his hands cuffed together. I breathed a sign. One down, one to go.

They had questioned me briefly, seeming to believe that I had been making sure this happened all along. That was a dangerous game, half of the stock was in an undocumented warehouse that we could continue to distribute once this had all blown over. This time though, Larx was in charge of the operation. It would be much smaller but safer for everyone now, Ryder had begun to make too many waves and we didn't want to get noticed. This wasn't the end of the business here, but to the feds it was. They all thought they had busted a major smuggling ring, exporting and selling drugs, weapons and anything else really that people wanted. All they'd really done was get the Reyes and Ryder out of the way.

"They haven found him yet."Fuck this wasn't good. I looked down quickly at my phone and then back at him. I froze, grabbing the laptop that was laying on the dash in front of us in the car. I hurriedly pulled up the live camera feed. My screen glitched, the picture unmoving, the time in the right hand corner reading five minutes before. I felt a cold pit form in my stomach. I restarting the feed, the computer taking far too long but eventually the video began again.

The doorway was gone, and Jennie was no where to be seen. I'd missed the fucking warning alerts since I had been so focused on getting Ryder caught here.. I rewound the video and watched as Ryder, bloodied and bruised from his exit, managed somehow to get inside and drag Jennie away in only a couple seconds.

I didn't stop for Larx to say another word, I left. I revved the engine of my bike as I tore out of the shipping yard, a cloud of dust erupting into the air in my wake. He'd fucking taken her, he'd actually done it. How the fuck had he known where to look?

I was pretty certain I knew where he was going but just in case I swung by one of the warehouses he normally used. Nothing. No sign of entry for a couple days at least, and after I was able to get inside and glance around I knew I was right.


I'd let her down. I should have been there for her. I could have protected her but Larx had sprung this on me. Ryder wouldn't have run if I had been there to stop him. She would be okay, I knew she would. Despite her size and weight she was stronger than most, and she knew how to use this against her opponent. Also, my girl had a thing for guns, hopefully she was a good shot too.I was going to marry her as soon as I could. She wasn't ever going to leave me, that wasn't a choice. I was going to give her everything she needed, everything she craved.

I saw the lights of the house in the distance, leaning forward as I tried to see any movement.

I had always known where Jennie was, always. I had tracked her every move for years until the time was right. I wasn't used to being this helpless.

I pulled my bike to the side and got off, silently heading for the side door. Ryder wasn't going to be alive when the cops got here, I was going to make sure of that.

He hated when I'd left. I had been doing every single deal before I met her, making him too much money. She became my main priority overnight and I had dropped everything. I had to protect her and I needed to know her every move in order to do so.

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and raised my run, the silencer muffling the sound of the shot as I pulled the trigger. The man fell quickly, his body sagging again the wall as blood dripped down his chest. I wasn't taking chances with anyone.

I paused for a second, the door stood ajar. This was definitely a trap but nothing worse could happen to me, if Jennie was here, then I needed to be here.I pulled the door open further and stepped inside, the dust rising in clouds beneath my feet. It was a construction zone inside, with tarps hanging over half demolished walls and tools scattered around the sawdust covered floors.

I moved silently, the only noise coming from the rustle of plastic as the tarp coverings swayed in the breeze from the open door.

"Taehyung, it's good to see you."

I spun and faced him.

"Where is she Ryder?"

I raised my hand, fully ready to shoot but fuck, I still didn't know where she was.

He grinned, his face still covered in flecks of dried blood, the bruise over his right eye growing darker by the second. "She's here Taehyung, I understand why you like her so much, God that body..."

He trailed off and I gritted my teeth, if he touched her in anyway I wasn't just going to shoot him. His torture would be prolonged, I would be cutting every inch of him till he was begging to die. Messy work but worth it in the end.

"She woke up too fast though" He continued, seeming unperturbed by the gun aimed his way "I didn't get to do much to her yet." He rested his hands on a table, leaning forward and staring into my eyes "What would you have done if I'd marked her Taehyung? Given you a reminder she'd been mine every time you'd touch her?" He smirked "I want to watch your fucking expression when she won't let you touch her, scared that you'll be like me."I had to remind myself to breath, the adrenaline rushing faster through my body.

"Where is she Ryder, I'm not fucking around."

He stood up straight and shrugged "Don't know."

I fired quickly, my gun lowered now to his kneecap. I watched as he gritted his teeth to stop his own scream of pain. He fell to the ground, blood beginning to pool around his leg. Where was his gun? He could have stopped that. His smile never faded, fuck he knew something and wouldn't give me the satisfaction. He knew I wouldn't kill him yet either, not until I knew where he'd put her.

"where the fuck is she Ryder?"

He grinned even wider "She screams so beautiful, Taehyung but uh, you knew that right? You know she likes a bit of pain"

I raised my gun to shoot him in the other knee but my arm fell slack. My body was pushed forward with force as I felt a piercing pain in my chest, the sound of a gun firing echoing around the room, my reaction one second too late. There had been someone behind me.

My hands hit the floor, my vision spiraling. I could hear Ryder laughing, whoever had been behind me kicked my back, pain flaring through my chest and ribcage again.I rolled over painfully onto my back, and with the last of my effort I tried to raise my gun, my hand shaking uncontrollably. The mans foot came down hard on my wrist, pining my arm in place, my weapon thrown across the food floor. I jabbed the knife I kept hidden in my coat sleeve into his ankle with my left hand, hearing him shout in pain. He swore loudly and knelt beside me, I didn't recognize his face but somehow he knew me. His eyes betrayed that fact, holding nothing but hatred.

"Don't kill him yet" Ryder said, the ringing in my ears muffling his voice "I want him to f-"

The man fell on top of me as the sound of a gun firing broke through his words.

"You fucking bitch" Ryder swore "You're dead slut, you and -"

I heard a final shot, the noice originating from the stairway.

I watched as Ryder fell backwards, a bullet connecting with his shoulder, my eyes betraying me as his imagine began to blur. He wasn't dead yet. With the last of my energy, I grabbed the gun from the holster of the man pinning me down and reached over my shoulder, aiming as best I could, my hands trembling as I let off four shots simultaneously.

The pain flared again in my chest again as I felt the weight of the man on top of me, my muscles straining to push him off. The gun fell to the floor and I felt the nausea hit at once, my eyes closing to stop the room from spinning but I was too late.

I plunged into darkness, nothing else mattering anyway.

I hadn't been able to protect her.

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