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Taehyung's POV

Something was wrong. I felt a cold shiver sweep over the back of my neck, but glancing back at the house didn't make the feeling go away. Jennie was fine there, she was safe. 

But what if...

I shook my head, Ryder didn't know this place existed, and I was giving him what he wanted anyway, heading to that fucking meeting. Even if he somehow found out, every inch of that house was covered by the beam of a camera, motion sensors in place as backup and titainium coverings rigged to cover all the windows and doors should an unwanted visitor stop by.

I had spent the night awake, sitting in the chair across from the bed, watching Jennie as she slept just like I had for years. Her chest rising and falling with each breath, hearing her sigh softly, her beautiful hair messily sprawled across the pillow. She looked like a goddess, my goddess. She seemed to finally be realizing that she was mine, there was no escape, no other option. I loved her too much to let her go, and if she was taken then everyone involved was in danger.

I needed her to be safe, I could always run but not once I'd found her. I had her.

I started up the bike and tore off down the road, the sun barely risen above the trees. It's feint golden glow illuminating the road, the frost evaporating in clouds as the sun moved higher in the sky. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be back with my Jennie, my everything but if I needed to do this to keep her safe I would. 

Larx seemed adamant that I not go, mentioning over and over how Ryder is going to fuck it all up and everything will end in a blood bath. 

Thats not how it would end for me, I was sure of that. 

I felt the cold through my gloves, the wind picking up as if it could feel my unease. 

What had I missed? 

I felt it in my bones, I wasn't seeing the entire picture, there was a piece missing.

I don't miss things, but there was something... 

I cut the engine as I pulled up to the warehouse. I took notice of the several black escalades parked in the surrounding areas, Reyes definitely didn't trust Ryder one bit. I didn't either.I took the helmet off and placed my hand on the door-handle, I don't hesitate but my hand froze for half a second. 

What the fuck had I missed?

My hesitation was just enough. I felt a weight slam against my side, whipping my head around and pushing me against the cracked cement covering the ground. I tried to move but a hand pressed against my neck, forcing me back down. My face pressed against the rigid edge of a broken piece of gravel, ripping through my flesh as I tried to look at who it was behind me. The pain helped my concentration, gathering enough strength to grab the hand holding me, slamming their body to the ground and rolling away. 

The ringing was fading in my ears, the side of my face that had met the ground was burning, the wind hitting the open cut with cold air. Who the fuck had tried to jump me.

"I told you not to come Taehyung" his voice was quiet, his words hissing as he tried to stand up from where I had thrown him. I stood in unison and faced him, my hand reaching behind my back and into the waist band of my jeans. 

Larx stood, dust covering his jacket, cuts covering his hands, a nice bruise morning around his eye. 

"why?" my voice my deadpan, my fingers wrapping around my gun, ready to shoot at a moments notice. It would only take second for me to move my arm, raising the gun but he didn't want me dead, I knew that. Well, I was about 98% sure about that. 

He swore under his breath "Get to the car furthest to the right, get in the drivers seat and don't fucking say a word to anybody and I know you don't want to do that but Taehyung, Jennie will be in danger if you don't"

He knew exactly how to get to me. 

"If you're fucking with me" my voice came out as a growl "I swear you won't be alive for five more minutes." I turned and moved silently over to the car, hearing him following closely, only branching away when we reached the car. I opened the door and hurriedly got inside, my mind racing. I hadn't let go of my weapon, my mistrust for him still at an all time high. 

If this was some plot of his to kill me I had a couple options once in the car, with less space to move though, he would also have an easier time containing me. That raised the same question.

Why did he attack?

I shut the door quickly behind me, my eyes never leaving him as he climbed into his seat. 


He had his head tilted to the side, hand to his ear."I'm clear" his voice broke through the silence, and without meaning too I raised my gun to him, the shock of the noise triggering my response. 

"Jesus Taehyung calm the fuck down" he pushed the gun aside and for the first time I saw the ear piece and mic connected to it. 

Who the fuck was he working for?

"Larx" my voice didn't seem to move his concentration away from the door we had stood at moments before "who the fuck are you working for?"

He leaned forward in anticipation, his eyes glued ahead of him, only turning slightly to acknowledge my question. 

"I um... Ryders toast dude, I tried, I did but this is beyond me, its safer to take our whole operation underground at the moment."

I watched as 20 men in swat uniforms silently rushed the door, a couple men in FBI vests following, guns drawn. 


"I tried to get your help, I wanted you in on the plan but as soon as Ryder threatened Jennie you wouldn't listen and it would only ruin what I've been setting up, this shit took years."

I felt as if the piece of the puzzle I'd been missing for weeks fell into place. The feeling of paranoia faded into the background, replaced with a sense of calm, an understanding. Larx had been working with them to take Ryder down. He was the one to call me back, not directly but it was part of his plan, using Ryder's insanity as an excuse. He wanted us to get away clean, our 'involvement' with the crimes committed here all for the sake of getting Ryder apprehended. 

"Taehyung, if you went into that room you'd be walking away in handcuffs" he didn't seem to notice  I was barely listening, as he continued to try and plead his case. 

"we wont get-"

I reached my hand out so fast and grabbed his shirt by the collar, effectively cutting him off mid sentence. "And if I had been in that room then Jennie would be safe, but now you've put a target on her back." I felt anger, the overwhelming hit of emotions before I felt nothing, no remorse, no sympathy and God save him if I passed over into that state of mind. 

He swung his arm trying to break my hold but I moved my hands to his throat, pushing his body deeper into the seat "Do you understand that Larx? If she dies then you all burn."

I saw his eyes flutter, his pupils moving in every direction, searching for a way out, his hands scratching at me, the air leaving his lungs. "They'll get him" his voice was barely a whisper "They have two years worth of evidence on him and Reyes I- " his voice seemed to stop working. I felt my heartbeat pounding through my entire body. 

My Jennie, he'd endangered my life, my everything, my sweet girl. 

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