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Jennie's POV

I lay beside him in bed, my phone in my hand as I scrolled through Instagram. Jisoo hadn't seemed to know he was here yet which was good, and I liked having him in my bed.

I bit my lip and turned my phone off, turning over to him "what do you do everyday?"

He smiled and placed his book on the nightstand "I do a lot Jen, but a lot of that involves you"

I paused, of course that was the answer.

"Jennie" he cupped my face in his hand, "you don't see yourself, you have eyes following you down the street the moment you walk by, you are like a goddess compared to any other woman" he kissed my hand, bringing it to his lips gently "your eyes could tear a man apart, you don't understand the effect you have on others"

I shook my head "you're wrong, why didn't you just talk to me?"

"Because you don't get a choice in this" his tone became slightly harsher "you're mine, there wasn't a question, you didn't get to choose me, you have me. I needed to know about you"My stomach dropped, a nervous anxiety creeping over me, he was right I hadn't had a choice.

"Jennie" he whispered, leaning his forehead against my cheek "I love you and will give you anything you want, I will protect you against anything, you don't have to worry"

That wasn't what I was worried about.

"I will be here every night to love you, I can't stop myself from touching you, kissing you, I can't have anybody else."

I stared at the ceiling, too many thoughts circling my head. "You say you love me" I whispered "but how do you even know that?"

"Because I know you, I've never wanted anything else more in my life, you are it"

I shook my head "that's not love, that's obsession"

He grabbed my thigh and pulled me over him, till I was straddling his hips "and what's so wrong with that love?"

I leaned forward, my lips inches away from his "you're crazy"He chuckled and grabbed my throat "you think so ?"

I bit my lip, hard enough to draw blood "you have no control over me Jennie" he said softly, tilting his head to look at me "you belong to me"

I took in a long breath.

"Tell me" he said softly, his hand still holding my throat "tell me you're mine"

I tried to shake my head and his eyes narrowed "Jen" he whispered.

A warning.

"I'm yours" I said softly, closing my eyes, my body relaxing on top of him.

"Good girl"

He stroked my hair and held me close to him, he must have felt how fast my heart was beating, knew the panic was was slowly growing.

I dug my nails into my hand, trying to stop my thoughts from racing.

"Shhhh, you're okay" he said, his arms wrapping tighter around me "you're okay"I shook my head and struggled to free myself "I need you to leave" I said "I just want to be alone right now"

He got up and kissed my forehead "I don't want to leave you like this"

I saw how concerned he looked but honestly I wasn't here for it, he had made me life into what it was and for a brief moment I had felt good. This wasn't normal, I couldn't keep doing this.

"Get out Tae" I said, taking a step away from him, I never broke eye contact, my eyes meeting his glare unmoving.

"Fine" I turned and walked to the door "I'm going, I don't want you here when I'm back" and I opened the door, walked down stairs.

I needed to be outside, away from him.

I grabbed my keys and sat in my car, my breathing becoming more steady. I turned the keys in the ignition and began to drive, I knew I didn't have to work tonight but I missed being there and just wanted some peace.

I parked and went inside, not many people were here yet, a few stood around pool tables and a few at the bar. "Hey nick" I said, sitting done on one of the bar stools."Hey" he looked surprised to see me "everything good with you?"

I shrugged "just needed some space, also tequila makes my head hurt"

He nodded "it will do what to you!"

I signed and rested my head on my hands, listening to the music that played over the loudspeaker, hearing the clink of glasses and chattering of people.

I relaxed my shoulders, letting a weight go that I didn't even realize I was carrying.

"Well hello there Ma'm"

I turned my head to see who had interrupted my thoughts, it was a man, maybe in his late mid 30's, his black hair styled up, his suit pressed and tie ironed. He tipped his hat to me before sitting down. "Can I get you a drink? Whatever you'd like"

I shook my head "no thank you" I was confused by his offer, I definitely looked to young for him.

He flashed a smile "I've seen you around here before, you're normally singing up on stage though"He didn't exactly give me a bad vibe but I wasn't sure how to read him.

"Yeah I sing on the weekends sometimes" I fiddled with sleeves, finding a threat and seeing how far out I could pull it.

He leaned over to Nick who gave me a look, making sure I was okay with this conversation.

"Blanton's on the rocks, and make that a double"

I noticed how put together he was, his face was clean shaven, and whatever cologne was he was wearing smelled amazing. His hands shook slightly, and he kept tapping them in repetitively against the bar.

Nick put his bourbon down and the man handed him two twenties "keep the change."

"Here's what I'm going to do" he mused "I have a couple contacts that have recording studios and a few that can get you setup with a steady job performing if that's what you want."

He took a business card out of his jacket and handed it to me "just give me a call if you're interested." "Are you being serious" I sounded skeptical but the offer didn't seem real.

He chuckled "I can tell you have a great voice and I think this could be a bit more then a hobby so it is an actual offer Jennie"

He took my hand and kissed it "just give me a call"

"I appreciate the offer but I'm still in high school" maybe that would stop him, give him a reason to rescind his invitation. He just nodded "I completely understand, like I said, reach out anytime, as long as you're over 18 we can find some work for you"

I didn't like the way he said work, something in his tone held a hint of malice.

He placed his now empty glass on the bar and stood up, walking away just as fast as he'd appeared.

I looked down at the card in my hands, it read Tahoe records management and in smaller print had the companies email and phone number. I flipped the card over and read the man's name.

Ryder J. Alvarez

I tucked it into my purse, something wasn't right, something in my gut told me that man didn't have any good intentions for what he had promised me.

"You know that guy?" Nick had glanced over between polishing glasses and I shook my head "I'v never met him before, why?"

He shrugged "he just knew your name, that was it, he probably heard me say it or something."

My heart skipped a beat, Nick hadn't said my name while the man was in earshot. He had known my name, knew exactly where to find me.

Something was wrong, I turned my head instinctively, a sense of dread settling over me. My eyes caught his gaze, he stood by the door, leaning casually against the wall, his suit jacket open just enough to show the handle of a pistol.


Watching me.


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