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"I know, I'm sorry love" and he sounded sincere but couldn't hide his smile.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and twisted me so that he was sitting on the bed while I was practically on his lap.

"I could have punched you if I wanted to" I muttered.

"You sure could have baby girl" but his eyes seemed distracted, his hand wondered over my hip and moved over my thigh. Wherever he touched me I had goosebumps, a thrilling sort of feeling. A feeling that hadn't been there in the longest time.

"I have to get ready" I said trying to push him away from me but I wasn't able to get out of his grasp.

"Bella" he whispered "your friends aren't really going to try and go out tonight right ? There's a lot of bad people in town right now, believe me I would know"

"Yeah because you're one of them" I shot back, still trying to get out of his grip, but honestly I wasn't really struggling too hard.

He laughed "sure, love, whatever you want to think"

I stopped struggling and looked at him dead in the eyes, I moved my hands slowly over his chest, feeling every muscle.He reacted with my movement, seeming surprised at first but became more relaxed. I continued moved my hands down till they were on his hips.

"Tonight will be fun, you know, going out with them" I leaned over slightly, as he relaxed his hold on my thigh to hold up his own weight.

"Will it?" He muttered, he eyes flashing.

I moved my hand over to his belt buckles and just brushed over the zipper to his jeans, yeah he was already too excited about what I was doing. But it had worked, I stepped backwards off the bed and avoided his grab for me.

"It will" I said smiling and I went to the closest to grab a dress

He groaned something that sounded like "that's not fair" but I didn't pay attention.

I felt weirdly powerful in that moment, despite the fact that I had zero power in this situation, in my life, in anything.

I slipped off my shirt and put the dress on quickly before he could look over at me. Pulling off my pants and putting on a pair of black high heeled boots.

"You're going to be cold in that" he said, not looking up from where he was laying in the bed.

I grabbed his jacket off the floor and pondered if the leather would look good with what I was wearing."Oh well" I said, pulling it on over my dress, I grabbed my bag and pulled open the door.

He followed me down the stairs and into kitchen where I glanced around for my Keys.

"Yeah, you're not driving yourself there" he said, a smile playing across his face as he held up my keys.

"Why not, you won't be driving me back, and I'm late already so can I please just go" I crossed my arms.

"You can sweets, the doors right there, but I have the keys so I'll be driving you, besides my bike is already at the bar"

Why the fuck was his motorcycle at the bar? Then it occurred to me, what if I wasn't the only one he was doing this too. Was that so crazy to think ? What is there were multiple woman and for whatever reason he'd driven them home last night.

"What are you thinking Jennie, I haven't seen that look on your face in a long time"

I clenched my jaw "nothing" I said abruptly "can we go now?"

He nodded and walked me out to the car.

I stared out the window on the drive there, my nails digging into my wrist, I had to stop panicking. It was escalating and I felt like I was about to explode.As soon as we pulled into the parking lot I I opened the door and rushed in before he could say another word.
I pushed through the throngs of people till I was safely in the back of house. Putting my bag and phone away and saying hi to a few of the bartenders.

The stage was all set up for tonight, as the set we were doing was pretty similar to last nights set.

I felt myself becoming calm, the noise of everyone seemed to cancel out my thoughts, and I knew I didn't have to be concerned about my friends coming in yet. Irene had given me a heads up that they were behind but that was it since she had been pulled away by her mom for some special family dinner.

I went up to the mic and stared out, the riff of the guitar sending me the cue to begin.

It was much later that I was Bella, Avery and about five other guys walk in.

I stepped off the stage and weaved my way through the crowd until I reached them.

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