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Taehyung's POV

After meeting Jennie I got on my bike and drove to school, fuck this was hard, and uh, that was hard too. Having her small body on top of me, her hands touching me. Fuck. I needed to stop thinking about her or there was no way I'd be able to walk.

That phone call had been troubling, why was everyone so out of control that they couldn't maintain and keep record of the contraband that was being smuggled through on the boats. This was Ryders job, not mine but I might have to check up on things. I knew something had been stirring but I just couldn't identify what it was yet.

I turned off the engine and I parked the bike, taking my helmet with me.

There were many people here yet, a couple of athletes training before classes began, a few teachers milling about.

I walked to the office and was met by a middle aged woman "oh hi, you must be the substitute history teacher, Mr. Grey was it ?"

I smiled and nodded, what a fucking joke, Mr. Grey? Had she never read a book and realized this was a fake name. I would have to ask Jennie what she thought of the name, I knew she kept that book tucked away in her drawer but I'd seen her a couple times, engulfed in its pages.I signed a couple papers and received the lesson plans from the current teacher, glancing over them quickly before students began to filter in.

I did quite like history so it wasn't that hard to continue the lessons where the other teacher has left off.

All I could think about was the 3 period, when Jennie had history.

She was almost late to the class, but came in at the last second, her eyes downward, glancing at Irene's phone.

I watched her as she sat down and her eyes met mine, widening and her hands clenching the desk.

I could tell my presents was a little distracting to them, but I sat back and let a presentation play, and then opened up a book while I let them have a group workshop, discussing what had just been watched,

I glanced up when I saw my Jennie walking over me at the desk. She just looked annoyed, but she stopped in front of me.

"Why are you here"
She asked, her hands playing with the bottom of her skirt.

"Because you are mine, and I didn't want to stay so far away from you" I said, my eyes could stop from looking over her.She wore a baggy T-shirt and red pleated shirt, white socks pulled up past her ankles and black boots. Her hair was slightly wavy today, her eyes standing out against her black eyeliner.

"Think your stupid plan through next time" she said, exasperated. "You can't exactly talk to me like normal if they all believe you're a teacher"

"Stop playing with your hands, love" I said softly, I wanted nothing more to then have her on top of me right then but I knew I couldn't do that. "I need to keep you safe" My tone has dangerous and the look on her face showed she knew that.

She sighed and crossed her arms "did you seriously have to use the name Mr, Grey? Do you know how cliché that is"

I smiled "there's a couple other parts from that book we can do don't worry" I said, my hand running up her thigh, hidden from view by the desk, the talking in the room too loud for anyone to hear our conversation.

She glanced down and my hand disappeared under her skirt, softly brushing over her.

"Stop" she hissed "someone's going to see, you can't do this here"

I moved a finger underneath the band of her underwear, Touching her soft skin.

"I cannot believe this is all your wearing underneath this Jennie" I said, feeling her muscles clench slightly and I moved my hand away from her, brushing over where she was most sensitive, my thumb just barely touching the fabric.She put a hand on the desk as if to steady herself.

"I want you to do something for me" she said, trying to not meet my eyes.

I could tell from the tone in her voice that she was serious.

"I want you not to hurt people, waking up to hear about that was bad but I can't take the guilt anymore" she went back to playing with the hem of her skirt.

I watched her movements, her eyes were glistening slightly, her hands trembling.

"Okay" I said, I think I had enough of a hold on the people around her now that it wouldn't be too much of a problem.

She looked surprised "you're really just agreeing so easily?"

I nodded.

"It's simple Jennie, I can't stand anyone who hurts you, and I'm not going to be one of them, your the only thing that's important to me"

She gave a small smile and returned to her seat, my eyes following her. Yeah I wasn't getting up anytime soon, and this was the second time today. God the things that girl did to me.

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