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Jennie's POV

I sat up in bed, out of breath and panting. My hands flew to my chest, my breathing out of control. I'd had the nightmare again, the same one I'd had every single night this week. It would begin down in that basement, I would be unable to move, my hands and feet bound by ropes. I would watch as the walls began to get tighter, Ryder's laugh echoing around the room. I would scream Taehyung's name but he wouldn't appear. I always woke up in a cold sweat, just as tired as I had been before going to sleep.

It had been nine days since he'd disappeared from the hospital. Nine whole days since he'd somehow gotten into my house to leave me that note along with that stupid necklace. I fiddled with the gun pendent, the metal warm from my skin. I'd taken it off of the chain immediately after receiving it and added it onto the string where my silver music note hung, my dads gift to me. I felt the necessary to have both tokens close, their meaning bringing me comfort.

I still didn't know where he'd gone or when he'd be back. I resented him for that. He'd created the world I was forced to live in and then when real danger had come and gone, he disappeared, leaving me to deal with the aftermath alone.

I sat in the dark, my breathing finally becoming normal as I calmed down."I'v missed you Jennie."

I saw his shadow step towards the bed and in two second flat I had grabbed the gun I kept hidden under my pillow and sat up, holding it to his head. The feint light from the streetlamp outside illuminated his face, a couple healing cuts flashing white against his skin. I reached out a hand, my fingers closing in a fist around the material of his t-shirt. He was real, he was actually in the room with me.

"You've already got a gun to my head baby" he mused, stroking my hair and moving closer, "I didn't know you missed me this much."

"I didn't" I hissed, moving to the edge of the bed and pressing it under his chin.

"I'm so sorry I left you here, I needed to clean up my trail."

I shook my head "That's bullshit Taehyung."

He smirked "I love when you say my name baby."

I felt his hand caress my hip, moving up and circling my waist.

"You can't stay mad at me forever buttercup" he mused, his eyes darkening.

"Why not? You left me here" The anger I'd been holding back suddenly washed over me. "You fuck up my life and put me through all that and then leave, that's so fucked up." My hand trembled slightly, I could feel the tears beginning to pool in my eyes. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much his absence had effected me but I'd been through hell the past week."I'm so sorry baby," He stroked me hair back, and in one swift motion, taking the gun out of my hand, sliding it out of reach. He pulled me towards him, cradling me against his chest as I finally let the tears fall. I held onto his shirt, just embracing his warmth around me, holding me. I let my body relax, allowing myself to finally feel safe.

I raised my head as he brushed a tear off my cheek, my eyes meeting his. "You forced me to love you Taehyung, don't fuck with my head and leave again. I won't be able to come back from that."

"I won't ever leave you" he whispered softly "I promise Jennie"

He moved so I was laying down, his arms wrapped around me and slowly I began to nod off, the many sleepless nights catching up to me.

I didn't dream, and thankfully my nightmare didn't come back, but I slept more soundly then I had in the past week. I didn't need to worry when he was here, I was safe.

I squinted as the sun blinded me, streaming through the thin curtains onto the bed. I moved slightly, panic setting in for one second before Taehyung moved his arm tighter around me.

"You didn't leave." I said softly, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"I promised you I wouldn't."

I ran a hand through my hair, pushing it out of my face. He looked perfect, his black hair messy from laying next to me and his dark eyes taking me in, wondering over my face. I hadn't dreamed him, He'd actually come back."Why did you have to leave the hospital without telling me?" I almost didn't want to hear the answer, but my curiosity got the better of me.

He laughed softly "This isn't normal pillow talk baby, you just woke up"

I snuggled closer to him, I was still tired but I needed to know "I can't be with you if I don't know you Taehyung, parts of you scare me but not knowing where you went?" my voice trembled "That terrified me."

He seemed to understand the urgency in my tone, his muscles tensing as he pulled me tighter.

"The FBI raided everything Jennie, we had to keep a couple guys away to accomplish that, Larx is starting everything up again on a smaller scale in a different location." He sighed, furrowing his brow "You weren't supposed to get taken and I wasn't supposed to get shot, and if you look at any medical records, I won't be there anymore, that shooting never happened"

My hand moved to his chest, resting where the bullet had gone through. "I'm a ghost Jennie, there's no record of me, the FBI know me as someone different but the hospital visit was hard to get around. They have online records and paper files."

"Why did you have to disappear then? Would it be so bad for you to have a paper trail?" I felt dumb for asking the question but I didn't understand.He just nodded "I have plans Jennie, and for them to succeed I can't have any connection to my old life, I made a lot of mistakes. If you look me up you'll find a death certificate for a 17 year old kid, he died in a Juvenile dentition center after a fight got out of hand."

I felt a familiar shiver run down my spine, I always forgot how little I knew about him. I wanted to know more, no matter how dark. I wanted to know him, understand him. Fuck, I wanted him.

"Ryder helped me with that" I nodded, listening intently, my thoughts no longer a distraction. "I use a different name and a different ID for anything if it's needed, but hacking those hospital files was hard. DNA evidence is also different to get rid of but we know a couple guys." He noticed my face and his expression softened "I had to disappear baby otherwise I wouldn't have been able to come back to you, this way I'm in the clear."

I nodded, my head spinning with what he'd just told me. I knew I would need time to precess everything he'd just told me, and probably a couple drinks before I was okay with it.

"You know what you said last night?"

I tilted my head in question, the subject change brining me back to the present "No what did I say ?"

He smirked, lacing my hand in his "I'm pretty sure you told me you loved me."

I opened my mouth in a mock gasp "I did not!"His smile grew wider "You did baby." I tried to think back to last night, going over what I'd said. I knew I'd been tired but I couldn't remember admitting my feelings to him. I'd kept that secret as best I could, knowing that once I said those three words there was no backing out.

"Don't regret it" he said softly, pulling me closer "you'll have a hard time getting rid of me from now on though" He lifted my chin so he could look into my eyes.

All I had been feeling the past week was hatred for him, I hated that he'd left me like this but he'd left to protect me. I hadn't wanted to think about the fact that I did miss him. I missed him so much it hurt me, every single day.

I couldn't focus, I had just wanted him next to me. Now he was, holding me tightly.

"I'm never leaving, you're going to be my wife one day Jennie" he kissed my lips softly "I love you"

I was at a crossroads.

My life wouldn't ever be normal, but was I willing to exchange that for him? Was he worth it?

I felt my stomach turn in knots, I couldn't go back now.

"I love you, Taehyung"

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