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"Hey," I said loudly over the music that had begun to play in my absence.

"Hiiiiiiiii" Bella screamed jumping up and down, everyone could tell how underage she was here.

Avery walked over to the bar and I followed reluctantly, I don't think my friends have had a drop of alcohol in their lives.

"Give me a beer," Avery said her voice about an octave higher than usual.

The bartender, Nate, looked at her "aren't you a little young to be drinking? You got some ID on you?"

I stepped forward and gave him a look "Nate just give her one, it's fine"

He smiled at me and my friends looked confused between us.

When Avery had finished off her beer I gave her a worried look, she had also gotten one from about five other guys and she looked like she wanted to throw up.


Oh great now she was drunk.

Surprisingly, they didn't drink like the other high school kids, well until now anyway.
Bella took hold of her arm, neither of them looked like they had enjoyed being at the bar. I tried to steer them towards an exit but a man blocked our path.

"Well hello there sexy, why don't you relax and have some fun with me"

"Nope" I said trying to push past him, but his eyes were locked on Avery

"Come on honey" he said, giving her a big smile "I can make your night a lot more fun"

He reached for her waist and I grabbed his wrist.

I held his wrist until he diverted his eyes away from her and onto me "get the fuck out of my way or you're gonna have fun in the hospital for six months" I said, calmly.

He just laughed and his hands snapped out of my grasp latching onto Bella's small waist and moving upward.

I tried again to step in the way but it didn't work. It just seems to annoy him.

He took a step back and then reached out a hand for me.

As soon as his hand brushed my arm I heard a gunshot. It was like the scene at the dance all over again.

Everything froze, all the dancing drunk peoples faces were turned in the direction of the door.A man stood there, a gun in his hand facing upwards, as flecks of wood fell out of the bullet while in the ceiling. He was leaning casually against the doorframe.

"Get your hands off of her"

He said into the silence.


The man slowly backed up "who's going to make me"?

Taehyung stepped forward "do you or do you not see the gun in my hand? I promise you, if you don't leave right now, you won't take one more step ever again"

Pulling my friends behind me, my eyes never leaving Taehyung, I went to a side exit "guys get in the car, call Irene, she lives a couple blocks away and can get here fast to drive you back. Don't wait for me just go to my house, Jisoo's not home and there's a key in the mailbox"

Jennie at least looked a little bit like she understood what I was saying and began to pull Avery to the car.

I walked back inside the club, people were talking again, but a staring contest was taking place between Taehyung and the guy.

I walked over to Taehyung.

I couldn't help but stare, in the dim lights of the bar he looked so muscular, with chiseled cheekbones and his perfect hair falling so naturally over his face. He looked like an angel.What was wrong with me?
This was the man that had stalked me for years, I couldn't like him.

But I did, I really really did. He brought a weird sense of comfort to me when I was around him. And a sense of jealousy I hadn't felt. If he was fucking around and ruining anyone else's life except for mine I was going to be pissed.

I tentatively stood next to him and wrapped my arms around his chest.

I couldn't have another guy shot, not while I was there. The police would definitely see how I was the one similarity in all of their cases and I knew Taehyung wouldn't risk that.

I felt his muscles relax under my touch but his gun arm stayed raised.
"Taehyung, the cops are gonna be here soon" I whispered in his ear, but still he did not move.

He was nearly shaking with anger, his eyes were dark and unmoving. Staring straight into the man's soul.

I bit my lip, knowing I needed to get his attention somehow.

I grabbed his free hand and pulled it around my waist, pushing my hand up to his chest to feel his heartbeat.

I leaned against him, feeling how warm he was.I felt him relax and pull his arms tight around me.

"Nice to see you princess" he muttered in a husky voice.

I blushed slightly and looked down, his stupid voice sending butterfly's fluttering in my stomach.

"We should go home," I said but my voice came out husky.

He nodded and lowered the gun, slipped it neatly into a holster near his back.

He took my hand and pulled me behind him to where his motorbike was parked outside.

He picked me up and put me on the back seat and before I could move anymore he kept his hands firm on my waist and kissed me.

I didn't know what to do. My entire body was hot, I leaned into him, my hands wrapping around his neck as small droplets of rain began to fall on my skin. His hand held my neck, his teeth biting my bottom lip gently. He leaned back and wiped a small raindrop off of my cheek.

"I couldn't stop" he said softly "it's too ingrained in my head, that the only way to do things"

I frowned, the only way to do things?He shrugged and handed me a black helmet and sat down in front of me. hesitantly I wrapped my arms around his chest.

I shouldn't feel this way about a man who had been stalking but I did and I was beginning to realize I couldn't get rid of this feeling. And that kiss had just made everything so much harder.

✔My Stalker [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now