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Stalkers POV

My anger slowly faded as I watched her back away from that man.

Quickly, I pulled the plug taking the gym into darkness but not before I saw her look up and catch a glimpse of me.

God damn it she'd looked so beautiful tonight, her soft skin bathed in the blue lights, her hair flowing behind her, so damn soft I wanted to wrap my fist in it and pull her closer to me. 

She knew exactly what she was doing, she knew I would be watching even if she pretended she didn't. My baby girl can dream all she wants but I'll still be here.

My obsession had grown too fast, my eyes instantly drawing to her as she's passed me a couple years ago, her body against brushing against my shoulder. I couldn't stop, her voice, her scent, they were intoxicating. I wanted nothing then to watch, I'll come out eventually but theres no way to know her unless I watch. 

I felt a cold pass over me as I watched him approach her let's see what you do Jennie? will he be punished or will you?

A smile had come to my face when she shook her head, spitting my eyes and aiming my gun, I knew it was coming but just this once maybe I would be proved wrong. 


I left the building, the screams growing softer behind me, I knew it would take a while for things to get sorted out in the gym but all that chaos wasn't my fault, that guy had deserved that bullet.

I knew men like that, they thought they had every right to a woman's body, despite what she said. I could read it in his eyes. As soon as he had put a hand on her I had pulled the trigger. Only I had a right to touch her, despite what she said. She wanted me, she just didn't realize it yet. 

I breathed in a cold breath and leaned against a building for a moment, I knew I was far enough away but still, one could never be too cautious.

My phone began to ring and to my surprise, it was an unknown number. If a number was unknown it meant that someone had gotten my number somehow, and that was basically impossible, my number was nowhere, no one could find it even if they needed to.

"Speak", I said into the phone, holding it up to my ear, as I began walked away from the school again. I couldn't be caught up in this whole shooting thing, that was the last thing I needed on my record.

"Tae, it's Jimin, we need your help .....again"

Ok now I was mad, how dare he interrupt my night of shooting down yet another one of the many guys interested in Jennie!

I laughed slightly at that thought, my head was very obviously a little fucked up.
"Oh really, from what I remember when I left you said, and I quote 'go ahead we don't need your help anymore"

I swear I could hear him gulp, he was probably sweating with fear since it had probably taken him a while to get up the courage to call me, so I continued talking.

"I have been busy these past years anyway so if you want someone to die, kill them yourself, I have been too busy to do your dirty work, I left for a reason so fucking deal with that"

With that, I ended the call.

I needed to calm down before I hurt people that didn't deserve it, believe it or not, I wasn't a heartless killer, but I will kill anyone that tries to hurt my precious Jennie.

she was mine and only mine and soon she would learn to love me too.

I closed my eye and took a deep breath, imagining her beautiful face, her toned body, her smile that made any man want to melt.

I smiled to myself as I opened my eyes, I unlocked my car and slid into the driver's seat.

I needed to see my beautiful Jennie now.

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