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Jennie's POV

I turned to Nick with panic in my eyes "Nick"

He looked at me quizzically "what's up"

"Get me a drink" I didn't turn my eyes back to Ryder, but stayed absolutely still, shit. I'd told Taehyung I needed space so I doubted he would be here, I was alone.

I should have remembered, I had heard that name before.

I breathed in, I was fine, I was going to be fine. He didn't know I knew anything, maybe he only knew Taehyung knew me.

I took the shot of Jack Daniels that Nick handed me and felt the liquid burning my throat, focusing my mind on something other then the danger at hand. I stood up.

I was fine.

I turned and headed towards the door.

He didn't block my way exactly, but he stood so close to the door that I would have to almost brush against him to leave.

"Leaving so soon?"

I smiled, a sweet innocent smile "yeah, I have some homework to do before school next week" Shit, now that I thought about it, I hadn't even been at school for the last couple days.

He pushed the door open for me and gave me one last smile "tell Taehyung we said hello"

His eyes looked dead and cold, glistening with malice. I shivered and smiled back, walking as fast as I could out to my car. As soon as I shut the door I always stopped breathing. I closed my eyes and took a breath.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

The shot hadn't been enough to impair my driving, just enough to calm my nerves. I pulled out of the bar and began to drive towards the woods. I couldn't quite remember his address but I remembered the direction I was supposed to go.

After a couple wrong turns I finally found the house, it's roof looking above the trees, the shadows creating an eerie ambiance.

I cut the engine and got out, freezing for just a second, listening to the noise of cars in the distance. Nothing sounded too close but I wasn't sure, I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't even know if he was home.

I walked to the door and tried the handle, locked. I knocked, and glanced over my shoulder, paranoia fully setting in.I jumped as I felt his hand around my waist "hon, what's wrong"

I walked inside, closing the door and sitting down, pulling my legs to my chest.

"Ryder" I spoke softly, my hands trembling "why did he find me"

It was as if a shock wave rippled through the room, Taehyung's eyes narrowed and his muscles tensed, he walked over to me, grabbing hold of my hands, eyeing my face.

"What did he say" he growled, "did he hurt you?" I shook my head, "no, I didn't even realize who he was, he was talking about knowing people in the music industry and he gave me a business card, he said my name but I hadn't told him it yet and-"

I stammered, my heart was pounding, I didn't know what could have happened but the way Taehyung looked at me told me all I needed to know.

"I just left" I whispered "he smiled and told me to tell you hello and I just left, he let me leave"

He stroked my cheek, kissing my gently on the forehead before standing up and grabbed his phone. He made a hurried phone call, walking out of the room, his tone hushed.I could feel my hands shaking, I didn't want to be here but I didn't know where else to go. I dug my nails into my wrists, focus Jennie.

I looked up as Taehyung walked back into the room, he grabbed my wrist and yanked me up, his hand grabbing my throat "you hurt your wrists like that again and I will hurt you" he voice was low and steady, his voice betraying nothing.

I tried to nod but he wouldn't let me go "don't think I don't see you do that to yourself, you do not ask for space ever."

I grabbed the hand holding my throat, tightening my grip around his wrist, but he used that opportunity to grab my waist with his free hand and pull me against him. "I told you I will protect you, so don't go off trying to prove a point and get yourself in danger"

I finally let our a breath as he released my throat "I needed space!" I yelled "what is wrong with you, it's your fault I was even there!"

I tried to struggle out of his grasp but it didn't work "Jennie" he dipped his head to kiss my neck "you wont stay mad at me, I'm too charming remember"

I grabbed his hair and pulled his head away "watch me" I hissed, finally managing to break the grasp he held on my waist. I stormed upstairs, slamming the door to his room like a child and sitting on the bed.I heard him pounding on the door but I didn't move, I took off my jeans and my shirt, grabbing a T-shirt out of his closet, a big black T-shirt that said slipknot with a picture of a skull.

I wasn't opening that door for him or anyone else. I lay down in the bed, the pounding had stopped and I finally closed my eyes.

I was safe, his sheets smelled like his cologne, fuck I loved that smell. I wanted him so badly but I hated him so much at the same time.

I got nervous butterflies when he grabbed my throat, feeling my muscles tense under his touch, wanting more.

I wanted his touch, craved it like nothing else I'd ever felt before. There was no way in hell I would open this door for him though.

I heard a key turn in the lock and I signed, glancing at the clock, I'd made it at least half an hour before he got the door open.

I turned away from him, not wanting to deal with this right now.


I didn't move, but I felt the bed move as he lay down beside me.

"I can't lose you, I can't have anyone hurting you, and it breaks me every time I see you try to hurt yourself" I heard the pain in his voice, he was telling me the truth."I can take a bullet, it hurts like hell but I can take it, cuts, bruises, anything, but if anyone lays a finger on you I'm done, they are dead"

I closed my eyes, remembering the few people that had tried and the damage that followed.

"You promised not to hurt people" I whispered, wrapped my body up tighter into a ball.

"I promised I would, but I swear to god if Ryder threatens you again I don't care about many people he has, he's gone"

I turned over to face him "why did he find me Taehyung"

His eyes met mine and I was surprised at the fear I glimpsed in his expression, a fleeting glint of uncertainty. "He knows to hurt me he'll have to hurt you, and he wants you to know it too."

I leaned my forehead against his chest and he wrapped and arm around me, pulling me close.

"They won't touch you Jennie" he whispered "I promise"

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