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Taehyung's POV

I watched Jennie's face as she slowly drifted to sleep.

Her friends lay on the couch, their clothes still on and their hair pulled in messy heaps in their heads. When we had gotten back they'd already been out cold.

I'd quietly taken her upstairs and turned on the shower for her. Making sure the water was almost boiling before I told her it was ready.

I'd grabbed a pair of shorts and a T-shirt from the closet and put them on the counter and sat on her bed till she was finished.

She didn't know it was things were getting bad around here.

To my knowledge, a lot of people were showing up that hadn't been seen in a long time, a lot of people with bad ties. Something was about to go down and I didn't want to be any part of it but I might not have a choice.

She came out of the bathroom with a towel in one hand as she finished drying off her hair.

"You're still here" she said, her tone not giving off any hints of annoyance."What made you think I would leave?" I asked.

She glared at me for a second, god she was adorable. Her skin was so smooth and her hair smelled so good, like flowers.

She hung the towel up and sat down in bed "do you do this to a lot of woman then, is that what this is?" She asked, not looking at me.

What did she mean? I moved closer to her, and without much resistance I pulled her over to me so that she was leaning against my chest.

"Jennie" I said, trying to get distracted as I ran my hand over her bare thigh "you know it's you, it's only you, I can't even look at anyone else, do you understand how wrong that is? You're barely 18, I'm not too much older then you but it's a lot of differences between our lives at the moment"

I moved my hand further up her thigh, feeling her shiver under my touch.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here for you, and no one else touches you, do you understand"

My jaw clenched, if anyone did try, they would be losing their hand.

She leaned her head against my chest just slightly and sighed "I've got issues" she muttered softly,She moved off of me and lay down, she hand wrapping around my chest and her leg wrapping around mine.

"Fuck up my life as much as you want Taehyung" she said sleepily "but don't you dare do it to anyone else"

Was my perfect Jennie being jealous? I thought I'd caught a hint of it earlier but had brushed it off.

I would do anything for this woman.

I closed my eyes and breathed, Jennie was safe and that was all that mattered.

I waited until she was fully asleep and then untangled myself from her, moving her blankets back over her legs.

I walked silently through the house and stepped outside into the rain.

I stepped onto my bike and began to drive. I had a very particular destination in mind tonight.
I knows the guy who has threatened her at the bar, and I knew his address. I couldn't seem to remember his name thought for the life of me, but he was bad news.

I shut my headlights off and pulled up around the corner from his house, my phone had been turned to airplane mode as soon as I left, I was going to be tracked here by anyone.I put on a pair of black leather gloves to hide my fingerprints, and a black mask, I can't exactly be arrested now can I.

I pulled up my black hood, as I walked over to the door, which was unlocked. I smirked, he had thought he was safe. I stepped inside, and took in all of my dimly lit surroundings.

Most of the lights were off as I walked further into his house, the furniture was scarce and posters of wrestling stars lined the wall.

I heard distinctive moaning coming from the bedroom, I paused for a second. Of course this was when I was decided to break in here.

I opened the door and stepped inside, noticing all the clothes thrown across the room, I closed the door and locked it behind me.

He lay on the bed, a blond girl on top of him, both naked
She screamed and tried to cover her body with one of his sheets.

He got up "dude what the fuck is going on here, why are you in my fucking house?"

I smiled and took a step forward.

"Darren," I said smiling, I'd finally remembered his name.I cocked my gun "why are you back in town?"

I saw the shock on his face when he got what I had just said.

"I uh" he looked around "look, I just came back to help out some buddies of mine, I didn't mean to touch your woman I swear"

I shook my head, wrong answer.

"O - OK dude I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was just after her friend and didn't me -"

I shook my head again, aiming the gun right at his head.

He went silent, the woman kept screaming so I shot her, she seemed annoying anyway.

I saw him watch in horror as her body fell, blood dripping over his sheets.

I turned back to him, my eyes expressionless "your turn Darren"

I pulled the trigger and his body fell, it was too bad he was so stupid, I really had wanted to know why he was back, I didn't remember exactly who he worked for but I know he hadn't like me.

I turned the lights off and retraced my steps, making my way back outside.He hadn't kept any security cameras mounted anywhere which was good, it mean less work for me.

I took off on my bike, going at full speed down the highway back to my house, despite my urge to go back to a sleeping Jennie.

Technically this was my second house, one I had acquired through my late father. He had been building it up from the ground, and we had only gotten to the base level before he passed away.

It was built in the middle of the woods with large clear windows overlooking the entire town from where it stood halfway up the hill. It had tall whitewashed walls with no artwork or portraits hanging on them, minimal furniture and a lot of weapons.

I had other places I would stay, the smaller house closer to Jennie, and a couple apartments here and there, just in case I needed an escape.

I pulled up to the gate, the tracker I had on me alerting it to begin to swing open.

Now unlike Darren, every square inch of the outside was covered in cameras, I couldn't be too careful.

I quickly pulled off my jacket and clothes and stepped in the shower.

I should have just done this with Jennie, god I couldn't have been able to focus though.I wrapped a towel around my hips and sat down on the couch, grabbing my phone and turning it on.

I scrolled through the messages on my phone, none of it seemed important except for one email.

From: Ryder

To: Taehyung

contents of this message: Taehyung, with all the fucking respect in the world I'm telling you to get your ass back here and help. It's getting rough out here and I'm losing men. Five years has been long enough for you to be creepy to some girl.

I didn't want to help but I had a obligation to these guys.

Fuck, I couldn't endanger her by being all of this back into my world.

But I didn't have much of a choice.

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