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Jennie's POV

After my phone call with Taehyung I had given up and tried to sleep again. A sense of dread had overcome me when I had turned on the tv and began to hear the events on the news. He had killed him. I recognized his face immediately, and there wasn't any doubt, this was definitely the guy who had been at the bar last night.

I opened my eyes and pushed my hair away from my face, rolling over to stare out of the window. I just wanted to sleep. I was so tired and every bone in my body seemed to attacked to the bed, not wanting to move.

The tree outside my window swayed slowly in the wind. A bird landing every now and then on its branches.

There was no way I could go back to sleep, I grabbed my phone and began scrolling through Instagram but eventually even that got boring.

I stood up and made my way across to the closet. It was still early enough in the morning that I had time for a run, even though I was exhausted it might help my head focus.

I changed into my running clothes and laced in my shoes.I left my phone on the bed and walked down stairs. The girls were all still asleep, passed out on the couch, I could wake them up when I got back.

I closed the door softly and began to jog, unsure of the route I was going to take.

My breath came out in white clouds, mingling with the mist that still hung in the air.

I began to head for the park, there were a couple of trails I really liked there.

As I turned the corner I felt a arm block my path, snapping my back and almost knocking the breath out of me.

I was pulled again this chest and I had to lean over slightly to let air into my lungs.

"What the fuck is your problem" I said, trying to get out of his grasp. I spun around and tried to push away from him.

He held his arm steady around my waist and put his free hand under my chin "You look so lovely today" he said, a small smile on his lips.

I glared at him "don't touch me, not after what you did"

His hand stroked the side my cheek and traveled down my neck, his eyes seeming to get distracted and he moved his hand down further.I felt my stomach clench and forgot what I was doing, this wasn't helping me clear my mind.

"Jennie" he whispered, he voice rougher then normal, a hint of longing penetrating through. I finally raised my face to look him in the eyes and instantly knew my mistake. They were stormy, dark and there was pain. I tilted my head slightly and raised my hand to his check, his skin so warm beneath my touch.

"How did you know I was here" I whispered, afraid of breaking the silence.

"Don't ask about it" he said gruffly, "why do you always put yourself in danger like this, it's too early for you to be running out here like this"

I gave him a puzzled expression "oh yeah? I haven't seen a single person aside from you, and you seem to be the most dangerous thing in my life at the moment, I-"
I faltered as I felt his hand run my back and over my hips.

"Don't let me interrupt you love" he said, "please keep talking"

I forgot what I was saying as he began to kiss the side of my neck, his hand now holding my throat gently. His other hand grabbing me from behind and picking me up. He carried me to a bench where he sat down, keeping me on top of him, my legs on either side of him. I brought me closer and moved him kisses from my neck to my lips. Biting my bottom lip slightly, pulling me as close as he could.I felt heat running over me and I pressed closer against him, my hips pressing closer to him, my hands, on either side of his neck.

In that moment I needed him, I needed him want me so badly it would hurt.

I ran my finger down his chest, feeling his tight muscles and down to his pants, I could feel how tight they were becoming.

I drew my face back for a moment, and he shook his head "don't you dare back away from me"

"Oh yeah" I said, watching his expression and my hand massaged slowly on the from of his jeans "are you going to actually choke me then, it was a little bit too gentle"

I heard him swear under his breath before he grabbed me again, and with proper force, held my neck, pressing firm on either side with no pressure to my vocal chords.

"You want me" he snarled "admit it"

I bit my lip and smirked "not one bit Taehyung"

"Liar" he said before continuing to kiss along my neck, his teeth biting softly.

Fuck I did want him, I could feel every muscles ache, my heart was beating so fast and I pressed my self up against his body.Everything shattered when his phone began to ring.
I pushed myself off his lap and he cursed softly.

"What" his tone was sharp, obviously annoyed that he had been interrupted,

"I know, I can't control what they bring into the docks, that's Ryders job not mine, hold on"

He hung up and stood up, offering me his hand.

"You should cover up your neck little dove" he fingers gentle stroked over the hickey that was getting darker by the second. "I'll see you later okay"

I was still in shock but nodded, accepting the small kiss he gave me, before he walked away, back to where I assumed his motorcycle was parked.

I sat down for a second, my hand on my neck, god I was in trouble. My lips were swollen slightly but the cold felt refreshing against my hot face.

I needed to go home and shower before this day got any more weird then it always was. I began jogging back slowly, my mind replaying what had just happened.

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