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I grabbed the sweatshirt I kept from him, since it was the most comfortable, and a left over piece of pizza before leaving the house. I sat down in Irene's car, she drive a bright blue Jeep and honestly no other car fit her so well.

I forgot all about my fucking stalker, the judge mental people at school and the homework I wasn't going to do today and just rolled down the window and let the wind whip my hair behind me.

The road to the beach was surrounded by green hills covered in rocks and small trees which eventually let out to fields of dead grass.

Irene swerved in front of another driver as she turned into the parking lot "fucking loser" she muttered.

It wasn't a hot day but it was warm, just warm enough to lie there and stay out of the water.

I pulled the hoodie over my head, covering my black bikini top and just obscuring the legs. I loved the way the sun felt on my skin, and I needed to badly to be warm right now.

Somewhere during the day I fell asleep, the sun beating down on my back as I begin to fall asleep, the noises of the ocean echoing around me. 

I squinted my eyes, jolted awake by the sudden lack of warmth but the sun remained in the sky, no trees obscuring its beams. I pushed myself onto my elbows, my tired eyes finally being able to focus. 

Two bootprints were made in the sand by my head, the prints leading away up the path towards to carpark. 

Without my knowledge, he'd been here, watching me sleep.

Despite the sunshine, I shivered and looked around for Irene but her towel was empty, her phone  and shoes gone. She'd probably run to grab something from the car but I wasn't sure, I needed her back here. I honestly didn't know if he would hurt her, I didn't want to risk it. 

I stood up, looking around for any sign of her. "Irene?" I yelled walking up the path. The beach we were at had a steep path down to the sand, the cars parked above by the road. The hill turned into cliffs further down, moving higher and higher above the ocean. It was a secluded cove that you could only find if you were looking for it. It was perfect if you wanted privacy, bad if you had a stalker you needed to run from. 

The sun disappeared behind a hill as I started walking further away, the cars appearing slowly as I came to the road. I saw the blue jeep parked farthest away but didn't see her. 

The rain recently had definitely done some damage to the beach, as I continuing walking I see the cliff become steeler and steeler, eventually turning to more rocky gravel.

Sand seemed to fall over my feet as a quick gust of wind swept by me, I reached the jeep. I peered inside to see if she was there, although I didn't know why she would be. She wasn't, fuck. Where had she gone?

I turned around and began heading back, looking over the vast expanse of the ocean, the glittering blue and green water moving slowing in and out with the tide. I felt the ground loosen, the well-trod path giving way under my weight. I slipped and been to slide, my hands grasping at the dirt. I stopped moving, my foot hanging over the edge, too afraid tp move in case I began to slip again. 


"Irene!!!" my voice hurt from shouting her name os loudly, but no one appeared, not even another beachgoer coming back o claim their car. 

I turned my head the other direction and saw him. A man, a tall man dressed in black jeans, a black hoodie with a black mask pulled over the lower half of his face. Only his dark stormy eyes were visible, and they seemed to pierce straight through me. 

He reached out his hand, pulling me up back into the path just as the dirt gave way and the land I'd been on moments before went tumbling into the sea. 

He pulled me up, wrapping his arms firmly around my waist, I could feel his heart beating, feel the muscles underneath his sweatshirt. I stared at his eyes, His light toned skin maker them appear darker, his dark eyelashes framing them perfectly. 

"You weren't supposed to fall like that love," he whispered the words, a low drawling voice softly in my ear, his lips bushing against my skin. I felt the goosebumps and tried to ignore them, focusing instead not he knot that had appeared in my stomach. Fear, and anticipation but another feeling too. 

I wasn't crazy, I did have a stalker.

I mean, I knew he existed but here he was, holding me.

I wanted to cry, to thrash against him until I was free and run far away so he'd never be able to find me again. 

He put a hand under my chin and lifted my head up to look at him "be more careful next time, I don't want you going and hurting yourself, especially if I'm watching."

I opened my mouth to speak but faster then I could blink he brought a cloth to my mouth, my eyes grew wide as I was forced to inhale, black spots appearing in my vision as I lost consciousness. 

I jolted upright, looking around franticly. I was back where I had started, laying on my towel in the sun with Irene asleep next to me. 

"What happened?" I asked her, shaking her slightly to wake her up. She groaned and rolled over "I just fell asleep Jennie, I needed to pee to I went looking for the bathroom, I only got back like, 20 minutes ago, you were out cold."

I'd been unconscious, he'd fucking knocked me out and brought me back down here.  

I rummaged through my bag and found my phone, a new text appearing, as soon as I picked it up. 

"Be careful my love, drive back safe."

I felt the cold fall over my again, my heart beating faster, the anxiety building in my chest. 


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