let it go.

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Fuming with anger, Yeji marched across the deserted streets. She couldn't care about their task or what they were searching for. All she could focus on was the boiling rage inside her chest. She also paid little mind to the two women trailing behind her, their footsteps echoing in the empty silence.

"Yeji!" Chaeryeong called out, picking up her pace to catch up.

Ignoring her, the cat-eyed woman continued to stride forward. She needed space, air to cool the fire that burned within her, but nothing seemed to quell her fury.

"Yeji!" Chaeryeong repeated, reaching out to touch her shoulder, but Yeji shrugged off her hand without a word.

Even lost in her tumultuous thoughts, Yeji couldn't ignore the chill in the air, alerting her of the impending snowfall. The conversation with Ryujin earlier kept replaying in her mind, adding to her frustration. In a desperate attempt to divert her thoughts, she impulsively walked into a nearby clothing store. Yuna and Chaeryeong trailed behind her, concern plastering their faces.

The clanging of coat hangers resonated around them after Yeji made a beeline for the jacket section, roaming to find something to ward off the winter cold. She sifted through the racks, the tension in the air palpable.

Finally, she laid eyes on a heavy leather jacket with a fur collar, a practical choice for the coming weather. Snatching it up, she held it carelessly by the neck, her mind still racing.

Chaeryeong, observing Yeji's evident agitation, decided it was time to confront her about what was troubling her.

"What are you doing?" Chaeryeong's voice was firm as she reached for Yeji's wrist in an attempt to talk to her.

However, Yeji jerked her arm away, causing the jacket to slip from her grasp and fall to the floor with a thud. "What is the matter?" Chaeryeong pressed, her voice filled with concern.

"What's the matter?" Yeji's voice rose, frustration and anger evident in her tone. Chaeryeong took a step back.

"Ryujin. Ever since she woke up, she's been playing with my fucking feelings and I don't have a bloody clue why!" Yeji's voice rang out, her eyebrows furrowed in irritation.

"Yeji, calm down," Yuna interjected gently, attempting to placate the situation.

"One minute she's fine, all smiles and warm. And the next? She's ignoring me, giving me the cold shoulder!" Yeji continued, her grip tightening on her hair as her face flushed red with anger.

"And it's driving me FUCKING insane!" she shouted, her voice echoing off the walls of the store. She paced back and forth with her fists clenched. "I don't understand why she's doing this shit to me!"

The tension boiled over within Yeji, displeasure consuming her. With a yell, she kicked one of the shelves, sending clothes flying in all directions. Her eyes then fixed on one of the mannequins, its lifeless form mocking her. With a clenched fist, she struck the mannequin, sending it crashing to the ground.

"Okay Yeji, you're going to draw in atten—" Chaeryeong began, trying to reach out to her but the youngest held her back.

"Just let her," Yuna whispered, understanding that Yeji needed a place to leash out her inner conflicts.

"I try to talk to her but she shuts me out. And I don't know what I did wrong!" she screamed furiously, almost straining her voice in the end.

The sound of another scream filled the air, this time mimicking the pain of Yeji's. They all turned around to see a small group of revenants rushing into the store, their moans and groans growing louder with each step.

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