hot chocolate.

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"So... how do we get the panels up on the roof?" Ryujin asked, standing between Seulgi and Yuna. One hand rested on her hip while the other shielded her eyes as she squinted at the roof.

Yuna and Seulgi exchanged glances, both pondering if there was a safe way to bring the panels up.

Ryujin turned to the lieutenant. "Is there a way up onto the roof that doesn't involve Yuna and me racing to the top?"

Seulgi chuckled, shaking her head. "As fun as that was to watch, I think we can be a bit more practical this time."

She scanned the area, her eyes landing on a sturdy-looking ladder leaning against the side of the house. "There's a ladder over there. Let's use that."

As Yuna ran over to the ladder, Ryujin took a moment to steal a glance at the three women sitting further back into the yard. They were sitting on logs in front of a small bonfire they made, waiting for the water to boil for their instant hot chocolate powder she and Yeji had found in the supermarket.

The cat-eyed woman must've developed a sixth sense at this point, immediately looking back at Ryujin with a gentle smile

Ryujin felt a flutter in her chest as Yeji smiled at her, so she placed a hand over her heart, trying to steady its rapid beating. The warmth from Yeji's gaze felt almost as comforting as the bonfire itself.

"Hey, lover girl!" Yuna called from the ladder, breaking Ryujin's moment of reverie. "You wanna help with this or just stand there making heart eyes all day?"

Ryujin chuckled, her cheeks tinged with a light blush. "Hold your horses, Yuna. We're coming."

Seulgi smirked, shaking her head. "Alright, c'mon girls. We need to get these panels up before it gets too dark."

Ryujin and Yuna maneuvered the first solar panel carefully, aligning it with the ladder. Seulgi steadied the base, ensuring it wouldn't wobble.

"Alright, let's lift on three," Ryujin instructed, gripping one end of the panel. "One, two, three."

They heaved the panel up slowly, inching it towards the top. Yuna climbed up first, guiding it from above while Ryujin and Seulgi pushed from below.

"Careful, careful," Seulgi muttered, her muscles straining as they worked together to hoist the panel higher.

With a final push, Yuna grabbed hold of the panel, pulling it onto the roof. She let out a triumphant laugh. "One down, one to go!"

Meanwhile, at the bonfire, the pot of water began to boil.

"It's ready! Hand me your cups," Chaeryeong called out with a grin.

Yeji and Lia extended their cups, already filled with chocolate powder, and Chaeryeong carefully poured the hot water into each one.

As they sipped on their hot chocolate, the three women watched Ryujin, Yuna, and Seulgi work on replacing the solar panels.

Lia leaned back, a playful glint in her eyes. "So, Chaeryeong, how's your relationship with Yuna going? Everything still all sweet and bubbly?"

Chaeryeong blushed slightly, glancing over at Yuna, who was busy on the roof. "It's going great, actually. She's such a sweetheart, even when she's being all competitive."

"Really now..." Lia furrowed her brows and made a sarcastic face, "Didn't know that Yuna could be soft..."

Chaeryeong rolled her eyes and playfully smacked Lia's arm. She then turned her attention to Yeji, who was gazing intently at Ryujin on the rooftop, helping Seulgi remove the old panels.

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