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"I said I'm not luggage..." Yuna mumbled, knees pulled up to her chest as the Humvee rumbled along.

Ryujin glanced over at her, squinting. "Neither am I, but look where we are."

Earlier in the day, Chaeryeong and Yuna had expressed their need for their own vehicle to help with supply runs, rather than solely depending on Ryujin and Yeji. Seulgi had offered them her Humvee, but they were insistent on having their own ride.

Unsurprisingly, Lia had interjected, claiming the real reason they wanted their own vehicle was so they could spend more time together... intimately.

Lia, lounging in the backseat, smirked at the youngest. "That's what happens when you suck at rock, paper, scissors."

Yuna responded with a middle finger before turning her gaze to Ryujin. "And you're back here because?"

Ryujin shrugged. "Because I wanted Yeji to be comfortable."

In the front seat, Yeji turned around and blew Ryujin a kiss. "Thank you, Ryujinnie!"

Seulgi shook her head with a chuckle, incredulous at her newfound role as the caretaker of children. As she exited the highway and began to traverse an overpass, she noticed something peculiar: the road was unusually clear, with barely any cars obstructing the way.

Normally, when crossing bridges or navigating through roads, Seulgi would need to skillfully maneuver her Humvee around, spending hours pushing cars aside manually to create an opening.

But she attributed it to other survivors clearing it out.

About 15 minutes later, they arrived at a neighbourhood approximately an hour away from theirs. The area bore a striking resemblance to their own: rundown, dilapidated, and teetering on the brink of decay. Seulgi pulled the vehicle over to the side of the road before addressing her companions in the back.

"Okay, kids. We're splitting up into groups to cover more ground."

They all nodded in agreement, heeding their lieutenant's instructions. Ryujin always admired Seulgi's down-to-earth nature, considering her background. From the fragments of conversation she'd gathered, Ryujin knew that Seulgi had been disowned as a teenager for being a rebellious child who never listened to her parents. She then joined the military to prove her discipline and responsibility to her parents, but they remained indifferent. Despite this, Seulgi persisted in the military, eventually climbing the ranks to become a Lieutenant.

Ryujin pieced it together, noticing the way Seulgi balanced care and order within the group. She couldn't help but feel immense love and respect for her.

"Yeji, Chaeryeong, and I will search the other side of the neighbourhood while you guys stay here," Seulgi announced, offering them a reassuring smile. "Sound good?"

They all nodded in agreement, though Ryujin felt a pang of disappointment at the thought of being separated from Yeji. However, she reasoned that they already spent plenty of time together, so a little break wouldn't hurt.

As Lia hopped out of the car, she made sure her bag was securely fastened and her knife was ready before heading to the trunk. Instead of opening the door for Yuna and Ryujin, she leaned in through the window, making silly faces.

Turning back to Seulgi, Ryujin asked, "Can you reverse the Humvee?"

Seulgi shook her head, turning to face Ryujin squarely. "I'm not going to run over the only scientist we have, even if she is making funny faces."

After Lia finally popped the trunk, Yuna playfully jabbed her shoulder before grabbing her gear. Ryujin couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lia's antics before heading over to the passenger side of the Humvee, where Yeji sat, leaning against the window.

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