please tell me.

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Confusion clouded their minds. What did she mean they had to leave?

The rest of the group rushed out onto the porch, equally perplexed by the terror in their leader's eyes.

"Why?!" Chaeryeong asked, her voice filled with concern.

Seulgi panted, hands on her knees. "The cult!"

"What do you mean? Aren't they all dead?!" Yuna's eyes widened in alarm.

"They are! And they're coming!"

A loud rustling from the woods seized their attention, sending shivers down their spines.

"They're here!" Seulgi's urgent cry pierced the cold air, the tip of her gun pointed at the horde of undead emerging from the dense foliage.

Ryujin sprung onto her feet and bolted into the bedroom where she had stowed her backpack and belongings. Fire surged through her veins as she scrambled to gather her essentials: her axe, her favourite sweater, her iPod, and the pack of cigarettes resting on the bedside table.

Her frantic hands froze the moment she heard the faint groans emanating from Yeji's room across the hall. She immediately threw the bag over her shoulders and darted into her bedroom.

Yeji struggled to lift her heavy backpack, the weight bearing down on her injured body. Ryujin reacted without missing a beat, seizing Yeji's backpack and effortlessly hoisting it on top of her bag.

"Hold onto me," Ryujin urged, reaching out to assist the injured woman.

There was a fleeting moment of hesitation in Yeji's tired eyes, she understood her reaction all too well. Words, unspoken and unresolved, lingered between them, a different kind of wound that festered silently. Yet, as Yeji leaned into her for support, Ryujin felt a surge of warmth flood her heart.

"I got you," Ryujin whispered, leading her out of the room.

As they got to the hallway, the other members were rushing frantically around, ensuring they had retrieved everything they needed. There was no certainty that they would be back at the cabin anytime soon.

In the living room, Chaeryeong's eyes swept over Ryujin and Yeji, "Got everything?!"

Ryujin offered a nod in response. She may have left behind some of her belongings, but none of that mattered when she had Yeji by her side.

The series of gunshots echoed through the woods, signalling them to pick up the pace. Yuna emerged from the kitchen, a duffle bag of provisions slung over her shoulder, her breath coming in heavy gasps.

"Have you guys seen Lia?" She asked with her voice laced with concern.

Their gazes instinctively turned towards the open door leading to the garage, knowing where Lia could be.

"Get into the cars," Chaeryeong ordered, dashing into the garage without waiting for a reply. Inside, Lia was frantically gathering her test results.

"Lia, we need to leave now!"

"Just a bit longer," Lia pleaded, hastily collecting tubes and samples. "I can't abandon this!"

"We'll return for it, alright?" Chaeryeong gripped her shoulder firmly, "The cure can wait."

The scientist searched Chaeryeong's eyes, seeking assurance. With her bottom lip trembling, she nodded. Chaeryeong tightly gripped her hand and guided her out of the garage.

Outside, Seulgi held the horde at bay, alternating between her shotgun and pistol. Yuna dashed to the Humvee, tossing her belongings onto the back seat floor. The young soldier then retrieved a gun from beneath the seat to aid Seulgi in defence.

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