still here.

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Ryujin carefully peeled herself away from her tight embrace, she reached up to her sleeve and used it to wipe away the tears and snot that had dampened Yeji's angelic face. Her touch was gentle as she offered a faint smile.

"I'm going to be okay," She said below a whisper, cupping Yeji's face with her hand.

Yeji shook her head softly, avoiding looking her in the eyes, "You got bitten..."

"Yes, but," The dark-haired woman rolled up her sleeves to which the older grimaced at the blood dripping from her wrist.

She refused to look at the bite mark on her arm because if she did, it would solidify the gravity of the damned reality. Sensing Yeji's hesitation to look at her arm, Ryujin gently took her hand and guided it to rest on her exposed skin. The touch was warm, she could feel each heartbeat, the blood cursing through her veins. It was electric.

With trembling lips, Yeji slowly opened her eyes and carefully brushed her fingers over the bumps and ridges of scars, the small circular marks that she quickly acknowledged to be self-inflicted. Her touch was tentative at first, but as she traced the lines of the scars, the dark lines in her skin that she followed like guidelines, she felt the faint but unmistakable healed bite marks.

Yeji's tearful eyes met Ryujin's as she came to the realisation.

"I'm still here, aren't I?"

She slowly rested her head on Ryujin's shoulder, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. The weight of fear and uncertainty about the younger's fate had been lifted.

"I thought I was going to lose–"

"I know, Yeji." Ryujin gently patted Yeji's head, enjoying their newfound intimacy and let out a soft chuckle, "Uh... my back kinda hurts—"

Yeji pulled away and landed a playful punch on Ryujin's shoulder, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Rubbing the tinge of pain away, her lips curled a little, "It's not something that comes up in conversations."

The dark-haired woman watched as Yeji walked away to compose herself, wiping away her tears. She gave her some space, leaning against the bar counter and scanning their surroundings to ensure they were safe for the moment.

A sudden thrash at the front door alerted the two women. They both looked at each other exchanging an unspoken agreement to keep quiet. Ryujin grabbed a nearby chair and wedged it under the doorknob to reinforce the barricade.

"We'll stay quiet and wait for them to move on," she whispered to Yeji, keeping her voice down as they both moved back to the counter.

Yeji nodded, her eyes fixed on the door as the sounds of the undead's futile attempts to break in echoed through the bar. A sigh escaped through her dry lips while she slowly walked over to the counter beside the younger.

"Take a seat," She said in a low tone, taking a seat on one of the car stools.

Ryujin followed her instruction, hopping up onto the bar counter. She watched as Yeji carefully pulled out a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide and bandages from her backpack.

Her hands were steady as she poured a bit of hydrogen peroxide onto a cotton pad. "This might sting a bit," she said, her voice soft and reassuring.

The younger in understanding, bracing herself for the surge of pain. Yeji gently cleaned the bite wound on her wrist, and although it stung, she endured it without complaint.

"You know, you're the first person I've told that I'm immune," She confessed, her voice low and sincere.

The feline-eyed woman looked up from her work, her eyes widening slightly in surprise, "You've never told anyone?"

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